Active ageing centre launched in Paola
Parliamentary Secretary for the elderly Justyne Caruana urges local councils to launch similar projects, to offer wider services for the ageing population

Parliamentary Secretary for active ageing, Justyne Caruana launched a centre for active ageing in Paola earlier today. The centre, to be used for Lifelong Learning programmes, has already generated a lot of interest although it has only just become operational.
“This centre was only possible after a call for proposals issued by the secretariat,” Caruana said, adding that local councils and entities around the island were invited to propose services for the elderly.
Urging other local councils to follow in Paola’s footsteps, Caruana said that it was necessary for others to make similar proposals “to strengthen the options and services available, given the country’s ageing population.”
She added that the centre would be open twice a week and that those willing to attend were invitedto contact their local council or the department for the elderly and their care in the community.
Caruana added that a number of other similar centres had been opened over the legislature, including a centre in Xewkija, Tac-Cawla in Gozo, St Lucija, Swieqi and Gzira.