'Scrapping scheme' capped at 2,000 cars

Private cars, not less than 10 years since their manufacturing date and were registered with Transport Malta before October 26, 2010, are eligible for the car scrapping scheme.

Addressing a press conference, Finance Minister Tonio Fenech announced that the scheme will start as from next Monday, 15 November.

“This scheme is an incentive to urge members of the public to buy brand new cars, which are small, efficient with cleaner emissions,” Fenech said. “This scheme is being worked out together with Wasteserv.”

Fenech explained that the new car must be bought after November 15, and if the 2,000 cars are not exceeded, the scheme will stop on November 12, 2011.

If the amount is reached beforehand, the scheme will stop there.

“The scheme is on a first-come-first-served basis,” Fenech said.

When buying a brand new car which has never been registered in any other country, applicants will be given a rebate of 15.25% on the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) of the new car.

“The new car must come with an engine marked Euro 4 or Euro 5 and must not exceed the 4.46m in length,” Fenech said. “The car must not be used for commercial reasons.”

The new car must also have an engine which does not exceed the 150g/km in emission.

Those who scrapped their car before this date are not eligible for this scheme. However, those who are first-time buyers can benefit up to €1,000, or arrange with their dealer to scrap one of his cars.

“Government will take the remaining €1,000 and allocate them to a special fund for the cars which will be scrapped,” the Finance Minister sustained.

For applicants to apply to the car scrapping scheme, they first have to obtain a certificate from Transport Malta which states the car has been deregistered from the Authority and all licence arrears and contraventions have been paid.

“Applicants must then take their car to Tar-Rabba scrapyard, where it will issue a certificate confirming the car will be permanently scrapped and off the road,” Fenech explained.

The Minister said that Tar-Rabba is the only licenced scrapyard in Malta which is fully equipped and has all the necessary facilities to scrap the cars and export them.

Igor P. Shuvalov
According to the news Minsiter Fenech said that last year 3800 cars were scrapped. So is this scheme really trying to encourage people to get rid of their old cars, when less than 2000 car owners ( those buying new cars are included in this figure) can benifit from this scheme? A serious scheme would surely cater for more than the number of car owners who anyway scrapped their cars last year without any financial incentives
Dear TRUTH All the things you said are nice to have, but difficult to attain in practice. You need to have clear rules that can make it hard for fraud, but easy for those applying the scheme and the benefits. With what you suggest the scheme might work out on the opposite.
smajtu il-gdida. Government will fork out 70% of the € 2000.00 That is € 1400.00. The rest, € 600.00 will be paid by the agent/distributor. Meaning........ immediately up goes the price of new cars by € 600.00. Go and check for yourselves.
So all the bragging by Tonio about wanting to protect the environment is a lot of hot air because otherwise he wouldn't have limited the scheme. If I remember correctly he didn't say that the car had to be scrapped during the budget speech, but that someone buys a new car which was more environment friendly. This is also discriminatory like the license fees because license fees depend on the year of vehicle manufacture so that if I have a 20-year old car and I fit a new engine to it I am still charged on the age of the car and not on the engine and its emissions. This i show the government is cheating the people from their hard-earned money.