In the Press: Marlene Farrugia adamant to build new party
Stories from today’s national press

Independent MP Marlene Farrugia says that her participation in the Nationalist Party’s anti-corruption rally last Sunday, does not mean she will be abandoning her plans to create a new party and join the PN instead. Farrugia also expresses her reservations on the PN’s no-confidence vote in the government and says she would have preferred such a vote for energy minister Konrad Mizzi instead.
The Times of Malta
Labour party whip Godfrey Farrugia and Education minister Evarist Bartolo speak out to suggest that energy minister Konrad Mizzi should resign, following the revelations of the Panama Papers leaks. Both MPs said that had they been in Mizzi’s position, they would have already resigned, and they added that they would have taken former Prime Minister Alfred Sant’s advice. In a Facebook post last Monday, Sant urged Mizzi to leave and added that he was placing an unfair burden on Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s shoulders, by passing on the decision to him rather than taking the necessary decision.
The Central Bank’s annual report for 2015 shows that investment is expected to rise by 5% in 2016 and by 4.3% in 2017. The same report also estimates that the country’s economy was expected to grow by 5% in 2016, which marks a significant rise in estimates made by the Central Bank some months ago.
Education minister Evarist Bartolo says he would have resigned if he were in Energy minister Konrad Mizzi’s situation. Speaking about the comments made by former Prime Minister and now MEP Alfred Sant, Bartolo insisted that he would have taken his advice and resigned by now. Bartolo has been named as one of the ministers to ask Mizzi for his resignation following the revelations made in the Panama Papers leaks.
The Malta Independent
Education minister Evarist Bartolo expressed his agreement with former Prime Minister Alfred Sant and said that he would have resigned if he were in Energy minister Konrad Mizzi’s shoes. Bartolo stressed that it is unfair that the government keeps a close eye on families to pay their dues in taxes, and then allows others to “do whatever they want”.