Gonzi 'my PM, my friend' - Austin Gatt

In a statement Minister Austin Gatt has hailed Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi as “his friend” while denying a fall-out between the two.

Following media reports claiming that Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt will not run for the next elections, Austin Gatt issued a statement denying the reports that his decision was taken as a result of a fall-out with the Prime Minister.

"Lawrence Gonzi is not only my Prime Minister, but a true friend, and my loyalty to him is unconditional, not because it is blind, but because I know that he had made the country and the party proud," Gatt said in a statement that accompanied a letter he sent to the editor of the GWU daily 'l-Orizzont.'

"Gonzi did what no other Maltese politician has done. He led the Nationalist party to a third victory," the Minister said.

Gatt said that he had already made up his mind not to seek re-election during the last general election in 2008 and repeating that same decision had nothing to do with anything else.

In the statement, Gatt said it was “a lie” to say that matters worsened over the BWSC power station contract.

Imma dak ghax hemm il MEDIA LOKALI bicca wahda mal PN is sewwa jirbah zgur bhal ma ghid int li kienet xi kwistjoni fil LP kieku il MEDIA halli ghalihom specjalment PEPPINO AZZOPPARDI U LOU BONDI Sewwa ghid musumannu kemm huwa tan NEJK il PM Gonzi meta bhala habib KBIR tieghu Austin GATT kif ma qallux li mhux ser jerga ikkontesta l-elezjoni li jmiss u kellu ikun jaf mil gazzetti mhux Dr Austin Gatt dak li kellek tahtaf akkwistajtu imma jell il LP jirbah l-elezjoni nisperaw li min kellu jaghti ix xhieda tieghu quddiem il PAC u bis sahha ta Austin Gatt ZGICCA nisperaw li imbad irid jaghti rendikont ta ghemilu kemm Tranter Spiteri Gingell ( li taht Austin Gatt IMLIJA SEW ZAQQU ) u Joe Mizzi halli ghid min kienu il politici li semma
Phillip Martin Micallef
x differenza mil LP!!!!!!!. kieku jkun hemm dizgwid bejnithom jkun jaf kulhadd u jitajru ma kulhadd. in nazzjonalisti vera 'omerta' . hodor lejn xulxin imma ghal wicc in nies kollox gaddej fuq ir -rubini!!
"My friend, my captain my king" were Baromirs last words as he died of a number of orc arrow wounds, assisted by Aragon, in the Lord of the Ring epic He too saught to gain the ring of power but paid with his life.
Tiftakru li John Dalli u lil gonzi waqt konferenza stampa biex taparsi "everything bsusinee as usual", ghadda z-zmien u nafu x'gara minn dak inhar. iz-zmien jghatina parir.
Pauline Moran
The Monday after next general election, the newspapers' headlines will carry 3 major titles... 1. Labour wins with landslide majority 2. Lawrence Gonzi resigns as PM and as leader of the PN 3. Austin Gatt appointed Director General of Smart City Malta
Joe South You can also add Tom and Jerry to the list

Off course - look close enough and you can see the hidden message even when someone is lying. What he means to say is that he is not Dalli. He is not after the leadership of the party - so that makes him fateful. Also Gonzi turned a blind eye to the massive corruption and incompetence that he has brought to every appointment he has held. And he needs Gonzi's goodwill still.

In the Sunday Times Austin Gatt told his interviewer that "a number of my friends...will tell you I had told them...that this would be my last election". The day after, Lawrence Gonzi said that he came to know about it from the Times interview. Are we to assume that Lawrence was/is not considered by Austin to be one of his friends?

Lying to the end.

Mela qied TPAPPIJA mieghu ( Austin Gatt ) chief biex tigi tfahhar bniedem ARROGANTI bhal dan li QATT go pajjisna ma kelna bhalu ghid lili kemm u bniedem arroganti u wiccu ma jisthix ghax mort inkellmu fuq kwistjoni li l-ex haddiema ta xatt kellna mieghu bdik l-ARROGANZA kollha qalilna itilquli il barra ghax qed tahluli il hin lil dan il bniedem trid tfahhar chief issa jekk SOQQOK ghandek ragun imma ghoqod fuq kliemi li hawn partitarji nazjonalisti li ukoll ma JAHMLUHX
Chief@ you sound like one of AG lackeys. To do what you believe is one thing,to do what's good to line one's pocket and the pockets of his inner circle is another.Just take a good look around but before you do that remove your own blindfold and I assure you my friend that things are not so rosy as you are trying to make them...far from it.
Submitted on Mon, 11/15/2010 - 14:57. Austin huwa bniedem li jwettaq dak li jemmen u kunu zguri illi dak li wettaq tul il-hajja politika tieghu, kien ghax jemmen fih. Dan ma tfissirx illi certu affarijiet ma setghux saru differenti. Meta nara dawn l-kummenti kollha, nghid kemm ghandna poplu li ipeclaq fuq dak lim jisma, minghajr ma jpoggi bilqeghda u jahseb ftit. Bhal kollox, tapprezza dak li titlef wara lim titilfu . . . u z-zmien ghad itina parir. Chief Submitted on Mon, 11/15/2010 - 13:19. I tought things will calm down- it's dr.Austin gatt personality to be irritated- but than he will calm down ;-) dr.gonzi just irritated him with some comments - they arranged now -lolllllllllllllllllllllll Silvio Falzon kummenti kollha?:) i agree with one sentence you said- that the maltese are good to bla bla bla (the majority yes) you know why, they need the coruage to go in the streets to protests on their own , by gathering in groups together , no matter what colour they are- so they don't be a puppet to a political party - or worse a lick ass for maybe a a given job :D
Joe South, tidher li inti wiehed minn dawk li mieghek ma tirragunax, ghajnejk mghamda u tirrepeti dak li tisma. Taqbel jew ma taqbilx, x'wettaq tista tarah int u tmissu b'idejk. Huma minnu li l-familja tieghu ser tigwadanja ghax ser jiefqu t-tehdid lejn il familja tieghu, ser ikollu hin izjed mal-familja
Alfred Galea
So said Judas Iscariot about Jesus. So said Brutus about Julius Caesar. So said Benedict Arnold about the US. Chief, tina naqra ezempji ta x'wettaq Austin D Weasel please. L-unika nies li se jitilfu meta jitlaq huma huwa, il familja tieghu, qrib u boghod, hbieb, kuntratturi u CEOs ta kumpanijji....ma hemmx bzonn insemmu ismijiet imma AT, DSG etc etc come to mind......
Austin huwa bniedem li jwettaq dak li jemmen u kunu zguri illi dak li wettaq tul il-hajja politika tieghu, kien ghax jemmen fih. Dan ma tfissirx illi certu affarijiet ma setghux saru differenti. Meta nara dawn l-kummenti kollha, nghid kemm ghandna poplu li ipeclaq fuq dak lim jisma, minghajr ma jpoggi bilqeghda u jahseb ftit. Bhal kollox, tapprezza dak li titlef wara lim titilfu . . . u z-zmien ghad itina parir.
Is it possible that there might be opening coming up in Brussels? Maybe an appointment in EU communications, where Dr.Gatt might be able to take his cousin with him? Could Malta be so lucky and say good riddance to two of the most arrogant people on the island? For the sake of the Maltese people to be given time to forgive and forget the pain Dr.Gatt has enforced, let's hope the PM will not wait for the next two years and create an appointment for Dr. Gatt far away from us. And may Dr.Gatt accept and enjoy his wealth which should remind him; of how generous the Maltese people has been towards him.
Sewwa qied tghid Dr Austin Gatt li hadt QATT ma ghamel bhal ma ghamel GONZI bol KOMPLICITA tieghek il GOJJELLI li kellu il poplu MALTI bieghejtuhom kollha mhux hekk issa ma li hadt dak li ridt issa mintiex ser tohrog ghax qed tara l-affarijiet ma tantx huma SBIEH ghalik u ghal partit tieghek IBLAH ikun Joseph Muscat jekk ma jaghmilx inkjesta fuq il kuntratt tal power station biex min HAWWAD jiehu dak li HAQQU mhux ta bxejn INT l-ewwel wiehed ma TRIDTX lix xhieda jitilaw jixhdu
Joseph Pellicano
mhux pajjis bis tal mickey mouse isa ghana pn tal mickey mouse
I tought things will calm down- it's dr.Austin gatt personality to be irritated- but than he will calm down ;-) dr.gonzi just irritated him with some comments - they arranged now -lolllllllllllllllllllllll
@@ LOL