Gonzi 'my PM, my friend' - Austin Gatt
In a statement Minister Austin Gatt has hailed Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi as “his friend” while denying a fall-out between the two.
Following media reports claiming that Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt will not run for the next elections, Austin Gatt issued a statement denying the reports that his decision was taken as a result of a fall-out with the Prime Minister.
"Lawrence Gonzi is not only my Prime Minister, but a true friend, and my loyalty to him is unconditional, not because it is blind, but because I know that he had made the country and the party proud," Gatt said in a statement that accompanied a letter he sent to the editor of the GWU daily 'l-Orizzont.'
"Gonzi did what no other Maltese politician has done. He led the Nationalist party to a third victory," the Minister said.
Gatt said that he had already made up his mind not to seek re-election during the last general election in 2008 and repeating that same decision had nothing to do with anything else.
In the statement, Gatt said it was “a lie” to say that matters worsened over the BWSC power station contract.

Off course - look close enough and you can see the hidden message even when someone is lying. What he means to say is that he is not Dalli. He is not after the leadership of the party - so that makes him fateful. Also Gonzi turned a blind eye to the massive corruption and incompetence that he has brought to every appointment he has held. And he needs Gonzi's goodwill still.

Lying to the end.