CVA revenue for 2010 stands at over €1 million

While the 2010 revenue from the CVA system monitoring all vehicles entering and exiting Valletta stands at €1,030,453 (only up till October), the contractor for the system will be paid €1,486,087 - an all time high.

Answering a parliamentary question in parliament, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt explained how much revenue the CVA system generated over the past three years, as well as the figure paid out to the contractor over the same period.

·           €504,015 – 2007

·           €1,096,545 – 2008

·           €1,244,589 – 2009

·           €1,030,453 – 2010 (up till October)


The contractor for the CVA system was also paid the following amount:

·           €1,682,396 – 2007

·           €1,603,559 – 2008

·           €1,376,914 – 2009

·           €798,543 – 2010 ( however up till October, the contractor was owed still €687,544.42)


The contractor in charge of the CVA system is CVA Technology Company Ltd. - registered in 2006 after a previous consortium was awarded the international tender to design, develop, install and operate the Controlled Vehicular Access Scheme in Valletta, Malta.

They even sent a bill to someone who had stayed just a few seconds over the 30 minutes free prking. They are SCROOGES AND MISERS.
Jon Sciberras
There are about 110 empty spaces per day reserved for Parliamentarians, which means a loss of revenue of almost e143,000 + per annum. That has to be factored in when calculating the loss to the CVA. Then there is the loss of St.George's Sq, another 250 plus cars less, another e300,000. That is a grand loss total of circa e500,000. So in actual fact the CVA is making a profit?.