Society needs a vision ‘open to God’ – Bishop’s farewell to Nikol Cauchi

Gozo Bishop Mario Grech pays tribute to Nikol Cauchi’s ‘Christ-centric’ vision.

Gozo bishop Mario Grech paid tribute to his predecessor Nikol Cauchi, who passed away Monday at the age of 81.

“Nikol Cauchi had a humanistic vision that put man at the centre, a Christ-centric vision, and had a love for the Church,” Grech said in a homily in which he called on society to ‘have a vision’.

Grech told Christians they would keep Cauchi’s memory alive through their desire for a piece of his “humanist, Christ-centred vision”.

“He saw man within the light of Christ, and his ecclesiastic vision was that for us to understand Christ – and not some caricature of Christ – we must learn to love the teachings of the Church, itself an expert of humanity,” Grech said.

The Gozo bishop also told the congregation that nobody, neither priests nor faithful, could be servants of the Church if they feared its teaching.

“It is about our ethos, our behaviour, our morality… if society has no vision, no worthy objectives, then our future is clouded.

“Does our vision even go beyond our shores? There must be a vision we thirst for, one that gives meaning and sense to our lives, and it must be open to God. Jesus’ vision was for us to be free and witness the truth, and those who see God kjow the truth.”

At the start of the mass, the Apostolic Nuncio Tommaso Capputo read out a message from the Vatican’s secretary of state Cardinal Bertono in the name of Pope Benedict XVI, paying tribute to Nikol Cauchi’s pastoral mission and his efforts to evangelise through various media.

“As a pledge of spiritual comfort, the Holy Father devotes his apostolic blessing to all who mourn in the hope of resurrection in the name of our Lord Jesus.”

So now we do not only have in-house investigations (priests investigating priests) but also clerics declaring otehr clerics saints. What a joke!
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley The evidence against Hitler’s Pope Pius XII for his pro Hitler ways iS overwhelming. So much so that every effort to change history is engaged in the ever increasing embarrassment of the Roman Catholic Church of the 21st Century. The recent attempt to do this is to portray the Pope as one of the supporters of an attempt to kill Hitler. Now a priest campaigning to have the pope sainted has come up with the assertion that Pius XII was allied with those who tried to kill Hitler. "Fr Blet, a Jesuit historian at the Gregorian University who is one of the leading figures in the campaign to secure sainthood for Pius XII, says evidence at the UK Public Records Office in Kew, London proves Pius actively supported the plotters and did not back the Nazis. The plot fizzled out before an attempt was made to depose Hitler, but Fr Blet says Pius’s involvement discredits his critics and he has called for people to focus on the many positive aspects of his reign." Catholic Universe 24/11/02. No doubt the Fascist Pius XII will eventually become Vatican made Saint, for fascism is the true child of Romanism and not an illaqueate to Popery. Here are so many photos of bishops cardinals etc.. with the Nazi- No more need to ssee more- ;-)
Dr.lawrence Gonzi uncle is R.I.P. Emeritus archbishop Gonzi etc.. etc.. ;-) they work hand in hand- with the church- so yessssss - if not they will make Malta a real secular state- by changing the constitution- But since Gonzi is there - I don't think it can happen- I think sooner or later the EU will intervene with new laws - I think it will happen in the future-
The issue surrounding Pius XII is somewhat complex. Geoffrey Robertson, if I recall rightly, suggests in his book that Hitler blackmailed Pius XII, threatening to disclose clerical abuses against children unless the Catholic Church withdrew from the political sphere. With hindsight, I think this is a credible explanation to explain the behaviour of Pius XiII. Also, the Catholic Church felt more at home with Nazism and Fascism than it did with what it loosely described as 'modernism'. While I condem the Church for its behaviour of trafficking in pedophile priests and failing to encourage complainants to go to the police, the greater condemnation falls on the government for failing to act. This is a role for government but in this regard the Gonzi government is gutless.
look at some how disgusting these men in black: Philippines When sexual scandals involving Catholic priests in the US came to light in 2002, the Philippines media began reporting on abuses by local priests. In July of that year, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines apologized for sexual misconduct committed by its priests over the last two decades and committed to drafting guidelines on how to deal with allegations of such offenses. According to Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference, about 200 of the country's 7,000 priests may have committed "sexual misconduct" – including child abuse, homosexuality and affairs – over the past two decades Ireland In June 2001, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Ireland established the Catholic Church Commission on Child Sexual Abuse (Ireland), also known as the Hussey Commission, to investigate how complaints about clerical abuse of minors have been handled over the last three decades. In February 2002, 18 religious orders agreed to provide more than 128 million Euros (approximately $128 million) in compensation to the victims of childhood abuse. Most of the money was raised from church property transfers to the State; in fact the actual value of the settlement is estimated to be about half that, and the Archbisop of Dublin in 2009 accused the orders of falling short even on the amount promised, and said the church's failure to complete transfers of cash, property and land worth at least €128 million over the past seven years "is stunning".[80] The agreement also stipulated that any victims who accepted monetary settlements would waive their right to sue both the church and the government,[81] and that the identities of the accused abusers was to be kept secret.[80] In 2009 the orders agreed to increase their contribution; it was learned that total compensation paid to victims was about €1.2 billion, so that until then the promised €128 m had only been about 10% of the total Belgium Main article: Belgian pedophile priests scandal In June 2010, Belgian police raided the Belgian Catholic Church headquarters in Brussels, seizing a computer and records of a Church commission investigating allegations of child abuse. The authorities are investigating accusations that some Belgian clerics sexually abused children. Hundreds of such claims had been raised since April 2010, when the Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, admitted to molesting a boy and resigned.[40] The Vatican protested against the raids,[41] which Belgian police stated that were in response to complaints of deaths threats against witnesses and magistrates United States The 2004 John Jay Report[24] was based on a study of 10,667 allegations against 4,392 priests accused of engaging in sexual abuse of a minor between 1950 and 2002. The number 4,392 represents four percent of the 109,694 priests in active ministry during that time More disturbing, though, is that Catholic leaders continue to trivialize the growing scandal of sexual abuse in Africa and Asia. What started as a hurricane of sex scandals in the First World may well become a tsunami of charges from the Third World. The rumblings from India and (especially) Africa, where the Catholic Church is seeing its greatest growth, are growing louder. The news from these places exacerbates our shock and concern: The sexual abuse of children by clergy is now coupled with widespread reports of rapes of nuns -- young women recruited from India's and Africa's poorest families. Sex crimes against women by Catholic clergy may give more credence to ongoing arguments against the celibate priesthood. Daniel Maguire, a now-married former priest and a professor of religious ethics at Marquette University, has wisely observed that "enforced celibacy that is not job-related is such an invitation to pathology." In Africa, however, where Catholic priests often have open heterosexual contact, the church's ranks are hefty with converts only a few generations removed from the illiterate, poor, uneducated innocents that missionaries first discovered living in tribal communities. Totally unaware of concepts like gender equity or criminal punishment for sexual assault, many of those locals came to a church that offered food, medical care and education in exchange for religious conversion. If there were crimes also committed around them, congregants paid for their survival with their silence. Never ending........................................................................
Pius XII Puts Hitler In Power Fake mother Mary apparitions used to control masses To those who still deny the Vatican’s role in putting Hitler into power and its preoccupation with instigating wars, the following information about Pope Pius XII and Cardinal Spellman tells it all: Pope Pius XII (1939-58) was a brilliant diplomat, a cunning politician and a religious crusader. These characteristics made him one of the paramount personalities of our times. He transformed the Catholic Church into a global political instrument. He, more than anybody else outside Germany, helped Hitler to power. His pet obsession was communism and he became the main instigator of the Cold War. He was the religious pivot upon which the Catholic crusade against communism revolved. Through Spellman, Pius XII attempted to steer the U.S. military power against communism in Korea and Vietnam and kept wholly “silent” when, in 1954, the U.S. military planned to use atomic weapons at the beginning of the Vietnam War. Using the fake mother Mary apparitions to deceive and control the masses, the “Fatimazation of the West” was taking place. A good place to start is the Vietnam War.After World War II, the U.S. and the Vatican had forged a mutual alliance, as we have already said, mainly to contain Russian communism in Europe and in Asia. The belligerency of their joint policies plus Soviet Russia’s determination to plant communism wherever she could, produced what was labeled, “The Cold War.” The Cold War was seen in many quarters as the preliminary step to a Hot War, which in this case meant but one thing, the outbreak of World War III.This was possible because Pope Pius XII, by now, had succeeded in conditioning millions of Catholics, both in Europe and in the U.S., to accept the inevitability of such a war, almost as a crusade inspired from Heaven. He justified it on the assumption that the Virgin Mary herself, had become his ally. Since, during the Vietnamese tragedy, the Vatican used the religious emotionalism of Our Lady of Fatima for political objectives, we must glance at the background of this cult. Our Lady of Fatima had first appeared to three illiterate children in Fatima, a desolate locality in Portugal, during the fateful year of 1917, which was also the year of the Russian Revolution.The Vatican took the promises seriously. Msgr. Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, then the gray eminence behind Pope Pius XI, sponsored a policy supporting Fascism in Italy and then the Nazis in Germany, to help the prophecy come true. In fact he became the chief instrument in helping Hitler to get into power. This he did by urging the German Catholic Party to vote for Hitler at the last German general election in 1933.[4] The basic idea was a simple one. Fascism and Nazism, besides smashing the Communists in Europe, ultimately would smash Communist Russia. In 1929 Pope Pius XI signed a Concordat and the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini and called him “the man sent by Providence.” In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. In 1936, Franco started the Civil War in Spain. By 1938 two-thirds of Europe had been fascistized and the rumblings of World War II were heard more and more ominously everywhere. Full read:
MARK RIZZO misses the point completely. This is not a question of percentages and with all due respect citing surveys in what is an emerging problem is pretty silly. This is only the tip of the iceberg after all. Wait until we start hearing about the Catholic missionaries in Africa and Asia. The outrage of the world has to do with these matters: 1. No other religion makes a claim to state immunity, 2. No other religion has its own law (Canon law) which imposes little or no punishment and which seeks to supplant local law, 3. No other religion trafficks in pedophile priests the way the Catholic Church does, 4. No other religion refuses to report cases of clerical child abuse to the police, 5. No other religion has institutions (as in teaching orders) that are a magnet for pedophiles, 6. No other religion claims to be unaccountable to the government (notice how Bishop Grech first addressed his brothers in the episcopate etc and then the President of the Republic), 7. No other religion makes the best interests of children secondary to the survival of the Church (note, however, that the Vatican is a signatory to the Rights of the Child), and 8. No other Church imposes a pontifical secret on those who complain. This is what the outrage is all about Mark Rizzo. It is not about percentages. After all, this is the same church of hypocrites that condemns gay men and lesbians and depicts us as unsuitable to raise children when it allows clerical abuse to go on within its fold. If you take the high moral ground, you have to understand people will be cynical when they find out what you are really about. This pope has done sweet bugger all about child abuse. All he has done is TALK, TALK, TALK. Do you think seven years is long enough to investigate? The members on the Response Committee should be totally ashamed of themselves. They should resign immediately or be sacked. The offices of the Church should be raided by any responsible government and the truth be made known.
The prevalence of pedophilia in the general population is not known, but is estimated to be lower than 5% based on several smaller studies with prevalance rates between 3% and 9%.( For example, the most cited survey of sexual problems among the Protestant clergy shows that 10 percent have been involved in sexual misconduct and “about two or three percent” are “pedophiles.” With regard to the “pedophile” problem, the figure for the Catholic clergy, drawn from the most authoritative studies, ranges between .2 percent to 1.7 percent. Yet we hear precious little about these comparative statistics. (
Tens of Millions of Children for More Than 700 Years Abused by Vatican Clergy, Researchers Contend Former NY Cardinal Spellman linked to 1980′s pedophile rings by NY police detective By Greg Szymanski, JD April 11, 2009 Child Molestation (to “Molest” also known as Pedophilia) is when an adult engages in intimate sexually related contact with a child under the generally accepted completion age of puberty. It is also one of the oldest and most sacred rituals of the Roman Cult since the 14th Century in enabling the “sacrificing of innocence” of children to Moloch without having to physically kill them as had been the tradition under the worship of Cybele and Moloch. Etymology of the word “Molestation” The words Molestation/Molest come from the 14th Century religious term “Mollista” created from Moll (from Latin Mollis meaning “soft, weak, young child/boy) and Ista (Latin suffix used to indicate adherence to a certain doctrine or custom). The original official and religious meaning of Molest (Mollista) is “the adherence to the doctrines and customs (of the Roman Cult) concerning the soft, weak, and young child/boys.” The physical and mental abuse of tens of millions of children for 700 years by the clergy of the Vatican is the largest unbroken “child abuse ring” of all time, still in complete operation today. The motivation for such evil remains the dedication of the innocence of children to the demon god of sacrifice- Moloch either consciously or unconsciously by the Roman Catholic and some Christian clergy. Due to the lack of understanding of religious terms and the true meaning of words, some parents with children under the care of Catholic clergy mistakenly believe that the Roman Cult of the Vatican have openly repudiated the “sacred act” of molestation—a false assumption. The Vatican – always precise with their words—has condemned pedophilia which is a modern term and has absolutely nothing to do with the ancient worship of Moloch, nor the religious term molest/molestation. No parent who values the sanctity of the innocence of their children should ever believe that their children are safe in the hands of Catholic Clergy until the Roman Cult and Vatican is disbanded. Until that day, all children in the care of Catholic Clergy remain at extreme risk throughout the world from ongoing, encouraged molestation. full read:
“Nikol Cauchi had a humanistic vision that put man at the centre, a Christ-centric vision, and had a love for the Church.” Bishop Grech must make up his mind whether Bishop Cauchi had a humanistic vision or was Christ-centered. For those who do not know humanism is "a system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth." I hope this was a wrong translation of what Grech actually said. A 'humanist, Christ-centred vision" ... now that is queer!