In the Press: Eurovision budget unlimited
Stories from today's national press
Times of Malta
Industry sources have confirmed that a limitless budget was allocated by the State broadcaster for this year's Eurovision Song Contest in order to maximise Ira Losco's possibility of success tomorrow during the final in Stockholm.
Road works on the street leading from Rabat to Bahrija have led to the discovery of some graves. Investigations are still ongoing but all indications point towards them being Punic graves.
The newspaper reports PM Joseph Muscat's trip to London to deliver a speech at an anti-corruption seminar, where he claimed that he made desicions regarding the Panama Papers scandal
The Malta Independent
After a round a phonecalls were made to private numbers by unidefied inviduals claiming to be calling on behalf of Microsoft, Cybercrime Unit Inspector Timothy Zammit said that prevention is better than cure when it comes to technical services scams.