Mobile subscriptions up 1.2 per cent

Mobile telephony subscriptions totalled 439,536 as at the end of June 2010, representing an increase of 1.2 per cent over the previous quarter in 2010, says the Malta Communications Authority.

According to its Communications Market Review Report covering period Jan-June 2010, the MCA added that most mobile subscriptions, at 81.2 per cent, continued to be prepaid.

The MCA also said that “In line with increases in the number of mobile subscriptions,” the mobile penetration rate as at the end of the reporting period reached 106.4 per cent, up from 97.9 per cent as at the end of June 2009.

“ Approximately 132.3 million mobile calls were made, constituting 177 million minutes recorded in the first half of 2010, a significant increase over the corresponding period in 2009, which amounted to 121.5 million calls and 146.7 million minutes.”

SMS traffic volumes increased from 242.4 million SMSes in the first half of 2009 to 310.3 million in the first half of 2010.

“The number of mobile portings in the first half of 2010 totalled 23,592, which represents a reduction in relation to the number of portings in the first half of 2009, as this period coincided with the launch of Melita Mobile,” the MCA said.

“With regard to the Internet sector, fixed broadband penetration continued to grow, reaching 28.4 per cent of the total population by the end of Q2 2010.” In absolute terms, the MCA said  the number of fixed broadband subscriptions increased by 10,863 over a 12-month period, to reach 117,537 by the end of June 2010.

“On the other hand, the number of dial-up subscriptions declined by 1,091 and stood at 169 by the end of the reporting period. The vast majority of broadband subscriptions, at 87.3 per cent by the end of Q2 2010, enjoyed a connection speed of 4Mbps or higher but less than 10Mbps. A further 10.6 per cent enjoyed a connection speed equal to or exceeding 10Mbps.  Around 41 per cent of all broadband subscriptions formed part of a bundle.”

The report includes a section dedicated to consumer affairs, which gives an overview of the complaints filed with the MCA and the subsequent follow-up by the MCA Consumer Affairs Team.

“With regard to electronic communications, the latest data indicates that overall the sector witnessed further growth in the first half of 2010, as the take-up of electronic communications services remained strong and traffic volumes reported considerable gains as a result of increased mobile traffic.”

The MCA said that, as at the end of June 2010, “fixed line subscriptions totalled 246,139, a marginal increase of 0.4 per cent over the corresponding period in 2009.  76.5 per cent of all fixed subscriptions were post-paid subscriptions, of which, 14.5 per cent formed part of a bundle. “

“The increase in fixed line subscriptions was however not sufficient to ensure stronger traffic levels in this area as volumes declined both in terms of calls (decline of 2.5 per cent) and call minutes, (decline of 0.8 per cent).  The number of fixed line portings in the first half of 2010 totalled 2,094.”

With regard to the Pay TV sector, this review shows that the number of Pay TV subscriptions reached 143,186 by the end of the reporting period, representing an increase of 7.8per cent over the corresponding figure in 2009. Subscriptions on the digital platform accounted for 86.3per cent of all Pay TV subscriptions. Those on the analogue Pay TV platform accounted for the remaining 13.7per cent.

Furthermore, around 35 per cent of all digital Pay TV subscriptions as at the end of June 2010 were bundled with some other electronic communications product or service.

The MCA said the postal sector also saw slight growth in mail volumes as gains in some areas outweighed losses reported elsewhere. “Total mail volumes handled in the first half of 2010 totalled 21.5 million items, up from 21.3 million in the first half of 2009.”

This improvement is attributable to more letter post items and parcel mail items handled during the period, outweighing declines in bulk mail items and registered mail items.  During the period under review, all Quality of Service (“QoS”) delivery targets set by the MCA for the delivery of postal items have been met.

During the first six months of 2010, the Authority received 100 complaints, 50 per cent of which dealt with telephony.  35 per cent of all concerns raised by complainants in Q2 2010 were related to QoS offered by communications providers.

The report is available from the MCA website at:

The next review report covering the period June – December 2010 is expected to be published by May 2011.