In the Press: Konrad Mizzi denies links with Cheng Chen
Stories from today's national press.

The Malta Independent
Minister Konrad Mizzi said that there is no relationship between him and Cheng Chen, an employee of Accenture – who acted as consultants for Shanghai Electric in their partial purchase of Enemalta. Chen owns a British Virgin Islands offshore company that was set up by Nexia BT.
Times of Malta
The Maltese Association of Social Workers said that a new protection Bill should include clear deadlines within which professionals will have to submit plans for out-of-home-care, arguing that children cannot spend years waiting for someone to decide their future.
The PN called on the Attorney General to request that the court freeze Konrad Mizzi’s and Keith Schembri’s assets in light of the latest Panama Papers revelations involving Cheng Chen.
Former Arriva CEO David Martin said in an interview that the privatization of Malta’s bus service was an “unmitigated disaster” and that the government’s attempts at regulating public transport “created a monster”.