PM hopes to convince Austin Gatt to change his mind

Gonzi reveals that negotiations are still ongoing over White Rocks and that nothing is final.

In an extensive interview with MaltaToday – the first in two years – Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi admits he will be trying his best to convince Austin Gatt to reconsider his decision to stand in the next election.

MaltaToday had reported that Gatt fell out with the prime minister over comments he gave to The Times that appeared to contradict his bullish stance in the public accounts committee to refuse witnesses on a hearing on the Delimara power station contract.

The Prime Minister denies any fall-out, but Gatt’s outburst and his illogical move to publicly announce he will not be standing for election was a sign that the minister had had enough of Gonzi’s political dilly-dallying.

In the interview, the prime minister reveals that the negotiations with the foreign consortium expected to develop the White Rocks in a sports village are still not finalised, and that no one should take things for granted.

The project is still threatened by a challenge to the European Commission by private investors who won a previous call for tenders to develop the White Rocks area, but with whom talks were discontinued. On his opposition to divorce he says: “I have not only have a right [to take a stand] but a duty to do so, even if others try to manipulate the reasons behind my decisions.”

And Gonzi also persists in his own strange interpretation that Malta ‘won’ the legal battle on spring hunting in the European Court of Justice, despite the EC having told Malta not to allow any spring hunting in future.

See full interview with Saviour Balzan now in MaltaToday's digital print edition.

Luke Camilleri
Just don't bother ! Take it as a blessing.
Mr Gonzi i hope you will be able to convince that stooge to stay on because the longer he stays the more people will realize what an incompetent lot you really are. As far as White rocks of-course we don't take it for granted, whatever you say its just grand standing without substance.By the way have you heard that another of your mp stated that he sees nothing wrong in PAC calling witnesses?

Maybe Gatt will convince Gonzi to resign as well..

prime minister hopes to convince his friend to change his mind! all friends do that yes ,is normal! How About He Be himself and not continue to be a puppet of the Church as he was also chosen by them to be there?;-) all who knows how to make 1 + 1 should know that:]