Government refuses to reveal MTA’s 18 consultants

The Malta Tourism Authority is refusing to reveal who are its consultants are and how much these have been paid in the last two years.

Weekly newspaper Illum reports how the MTA, which falls under the responsibility of Parliamentary Secretary Mario de Marco, admitted that between 2009 and 2010, “the authority as in total 18 consultants.”

Despite that these consultants are paid out of taxpayers’ pockets, the authority refused to name the consultants, what services they provide to the MTA, and how much they were paid for these services over the last two years.

More inside Illum, out today at all leading newsagents.

Maltatoday has stumbled upon another PN scam. Was it not MTA that had assigned a quarter of a million euros contract to a French company which in turn was really the son of the chairman or the CEO? Let me guess - more smoke but no fire? I think what they mean is another ministry and an other industry to be left in smoking ruins. The Auditor general is right again - there was no fire - HE HAD ARRIVED TOO LATE!
Michael Gauci
'has in total'
Joe Tanti
Tajjeb il-poplu jhallas u ma jafx xhinu jhallas u lil min? Din it-trasparenza li dejjem jiftahru biha! Fuq l-Airmalta,fuq it-tarznari kollox ghal appert,imma fuq dawn il-hbieb tal hbieb,la nafu min huma ,min jaf forsi hemm xi hadd li hu iben jew bint ta xi ministru? Sakemm inkun naf minn huma,hekk sejjer nahseb.Min ghandu l-faham miblul jghatti kollox.
Any bets that the man who chairs the Pension Reform, who was responsible to get Lehmeir on board Enemalta vis-a-vis BWSC, who is also a consultant for Zaren Vassallo and gets large chunks of other consultancies with different ministries is also a consultant for MTA? The only thing I cannot bet on is his CONSULTANCY FEE!!