Beloved Valletta cat gets her own memorial shrine
Valletta residents and shop assistants unite in mourning Masha

A cat that lived on the streets of Valletta for 18 years has earned her own memorial shrine. Masha, who was cared for by Valletta residents and shop assistants, was put down by the Animal Welfare Department.
One note read: “In memory of my friend Masha who always made me very happy after a day’s work. Miss you dearly.”

Other notes expressed anger at the Animal Welfare Department.
In his investigation report on the case, Animal Welfare Commissioner Emanuel Buhagiar ruled that the Animal Welfare Department officials had followed the established regulations concerning animal rescue.
Some 20 people have protested what they described as “murder by a cruel animal welfare system”, triggered by the putting down of the cat that had lived on a utilities box in Melita Street.
Masha, was put down after police found her lying on the ground in Valletta, paralyzed in her hind legs, after she was hit by a car. She was ambulanced to a vet who found that her spine was broken, that she was dehydrated and suffering from dehydration and haemorrhagic diarrehoea, and had tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
The residents however insist that the cat was in good health and did not suffer from FIV, otherwise she would not have lived that long. Her weight was also optimal and the veterinary had prescribed antibiotics for her liver and recommended a low salt diet.