MP sees 'nothing wrong in witnesses being summoned' to PAC in Delimara controversy

Nationalist MP Franco Debono said he sees nothing wrong in witnesses being called before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to give evidence on the auditor general’s report on the Delimara power station controversy.

The Independent reports that although government MPs on the committee refused the call of PAC chairman and Labour MP Charles Mangion, where he insisted that witnesses be summoned to answer the committee’s questions, Debono thinks there could be reason to summon even more witnesses than those requested by the chair.

“The Auditor General presented a good and detailed report on the power station extension contract,” Debono said “and he enjoys the confidence and trust of both sides of the House. He is an officer of the House and his office must be respected by all.”

“But I see nothing wrong in considering summoning other witnesses before the PAC once the auditor general has finished giving his evidence,” Debono said.

During a PAC meeting last month, the government majority in the committee voted against a number of individuals summoned by Mangion to give evidence on the power station extension contract. However, other witnesses could be considered over and above those requested by Mangion, Debono said.

While Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt had flatly disagreed with witnesses being summoned, because he believed it undermined the work of the auditor general, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said if it is necessary for certain findings to be elaborated on, then the possibility will not be ruled out.

The Nationalist MP had said in parliament last May “The auditor found no corruption. He used the term ‘hard evidence’. The opposite of hard evidence id suspicion…we all know that a suspicion, no matter how strong, remains a suspicion. If other eventual investigations show otherwise, then it’s different, but until then this is the situation.”

Habib taghna Franco, Ma' rridekx tiehu ghalik imma llum inti ttimbrat LAHAM MIBJUGH. You had your chance to stand up and be counted for. On your own you decided not to do so. For this, your master gave you a treat paid out of the tax payer's pocket!! Like me, there are thousands saying the same expression: LAHAM MIBJUGH. Just watch out for Brutus in their hundreds as the general election nears by. The list for people like you is endless. Just check their's not too difficult to get it.
Alfred Galea
[The Nationalist MP had said in parliament last May “The auditor found no corruption. He used the term ‘hard evidence’. The opposite of hard evidence id suspicion…we all know that a suspicion, no matter how strong, remains a suspicion. If other eventual investigations show otherwise, then it’s different, but until then this is the situation.”] What other investigations is this HONOURABLE MP talking about?? The PAC, which a minister in his government, with the help of three other PN MPs railroaded?? An independent inquiry, with the power to call witnesses and place them under oath?? A police investigation, which his government won't allow?? Isn't this the same HONOURABLE MP who raised a stink only to be silenced by an offer he couldn't refuse?? 69 clowns, some funnier than others.
Joe Tanti
Milli jidher Franco Debono irid xi haga ohra sabiex forsi jaghlaq halqu ,forsi wara li sehma bil miljuni ta ewros li qeghdin jiehdu shabu il-ministri billi jithalsu kemm ta membri parlamentari u ukoll bhala membri fil kumitati tal kamra u ministri.U dan ma jfissirx li hadu E1.16 ghal 3 darbiet ta ,mela inkella biex ihallsu lis-seftura? (bla Ktieb).Imsieken sa kellhom jitalbu lil haddiehor sabiex immoru jaraw lil Arsenal jilghabu.Imsieken .jahasra sejrin iwasslu lil xi kapillan jghamilhom xi fiera sabiex jigbru xi centezmu lhawn u lin.