Transport Malta CEO demands prior notification of all tenders adjudicated

Transport Malta CEO Stanley Portelli sent an email to the authority’s board members demanding to see all tenders issued by the authority before these are adjudicated, says it-Torca.

According to Maltese weekly paper it-Torca, Portelli’s email, sent only a few weeks ago, caused resentment within the authority’s board. Sources quoted by the newspaper describe Portelli’s demands as “unheard of”.

“This can be seen as unwarranted interference into the board’s work,” sources told the newspaper. “The CEO’s email is one that raised many questions. Why was this called for, given that the board is specifically tasked with adjudicating tenders fairly and independently?”

 Asked about this email, Portelli claimed that his actions reflected “procedure approved by the authority.”

It-Torca reports that he however declined to answer questions about the ethicality of interfering into a supposedly independent board’s work, or why would he be interested in seeing tenders before these are adjudicated

My friends. WHY do you think Stanley Portelli wants to "peep" into what goes on with the adjudicating committee. I have no doubt. He does so, so that IS-SEWWA BISS JIRBAH it-tender. He does not want that ANYONE (else) gets some sort of a freebe, a free airlift, a free football ticket or free structural works at home!! After all, Stanley is the CEO on minimum wage!! Keep it up Stanley!!