PL 'throwing mud and blowing smoke' on BSWC contract – PN

Referring to the Power Station BWSC contract corruption allegations, Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt slammed 

Labour for “insisting on throwing mud at everyone in the political scene without the decency of at least dropping a name.”

Speaking during a political event in Lija, Gatt pointed to the recent statements made by the Auditor General during the last sitting of the Public Accounts Committee earlier this week.

During that sitting, Gatt said that the Auditor General said that the 25 individuals who were involved in the awarding of the Power Station extension contract to BWSC where all cleared of bribery or of trading in influence.

“The PL’s tactic is of undertaking a campaign of lies intended to undermine the government when they are incapable of even pointing fingers at anyone,” Gat said. “How can we tolerate someone who alleges corruption despite clear statements to the contrary?” he asked, referring to the Auditor General’s testimony.

Also speaking during the event, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the latest PAC session confirmed that the Auditor General found no evidence of corruption. “Yet Labour insists on blowing smoke on the issue when a report was already finished 11 months ago.”

He also said that the report prepared by the Auditor General had been already debated at parliamentary level. Despite this, Gonzi said that the Labour party is “beating a dead horse” in a “ferocious attack on the auditor general.”

He reiterated how “if there is suspicion, these should be passed onto to the auditor for further investigation.”

Gonzi reiterated also how the “Auditor general is a strong respectable institution who, throughout the Delimara investigation, had everything put at his disposal such as documents and witnesses.” Gonzi added that government “even recommended that the auditor general interviews more witnesses but he declined.”

Gonzi recalled the Mintoff administration, saying that the PN “know what it is like to live under a dictatorship,” while “Labour doesn’t know what it is like to live under a dictatorial rule that broke down the country’s institutions.”

He affirmed that the PN recognize the importance of strong and independent institutions like the auditor general, the PAC, parliament, and the Police Commissioner – “these all have their roles to play.”

He affirmed that the governments’ “aim is to keep strengthening these institutions.”

During the event, Gatt also spoke of the new public transport agreement that is set to kick-off in July, signed only the day before with international transportation service provider Arriva.

He affirmed that that reform will mean cleaner, better, and more efficient buses, as well as a better route system. He also affirmed that the reform will mean more jobs, as well as a saving of 35 million in subsidies over 10 years that can go towards much needed social welfare reforms like pensions.

Referring to the concerns raised regarding the way the new fares system will differentiate between residents and non-resident, meaning that tourists will need to pay higher fares, Gatt said he could not understand the reasoning that a non-resident could expect to pay the same as much as resident.

This aside, Gatt said, the costs for non-residents would still be lower than for the same service in other countries around Europe. “If a tourist can’t afford to pay the €12 to use the bus system, he or she should do us a blessed favour and not come here at all,” Gatt affirmed.

Gonzi also reiterated the government’s commitment towards up-keeping the student stipends that are given out university students and sixth form students, describing this as an “investment that will eventually yield millions of euros’ worth in dividends.”

In his conclusion, Gonzi also announced a contract signed with cruise operators MSC which, he said, will mean an increase of 150,000 cruise visitors to Malta each year – each of which is expected to spend €70 locally.

“This means that this agreement will translate into revenue of as much as €10 million annually for the five-year duration of the contract,” Gonzi said.

Luke Camilleri
Mud? Wait till the Maltese get a taste heavy fuel oil ! If there is any smoke that is blowing your way , you put the fuel in the fire with the lack of tansparency surrounding the BWSC tender - where you Der. Gatt took the side of the BWSC . the Malta Agent and of course Zaren Vassllo group in favour of the Maltese People!@
Mr Gatt what a pair of jokers you and your so called leader are. The witnesses that were called all suffered from amnesia , they were a bunch of liars which is the pn trade mark.You are so idiotic to say that the auditor did not find any cases of corruption, how could he? You think the Maltese are that stupid that they dont know that where there is smoke there have to be a fire, pull your over sized head out from the sand and shove it somewhere you feel more comfortable in.
Prime Minister announced that an agreement was reached with MSC for five years which will translate in ten million Euro. Such announcement make me laugh. Was the originator of this agreement was the Prime Minister or Norman Hamilton who brought MSC to Malta and was a success for these last years ? Congratulations Mr Hamilton.
My dear Aus Tin, If you are so proud of how the BWSC issue turned out and you are so sure that the PL is not saying the truth why don't you file a libel case in court against them (PL)? No way you will do such.......and you know why. Every body knows why except the one with a looooong nose!!
What Minister GATT is failing to let the people know about PAC is that this Committee is nothing but a three ring circus that the Government controls, the Opposition chairs and the media promotes. There should only be no politicians on this committee. The committee should be composed of professionals that would know the right questions to ask about it's legality, health issues, engineering, costs and feasability. All witnesses should be made available even if an indictment is required and should be put underoath where perjury charges could apply. This administration has broken the country's treasury with consultants, how come on such an expensive and important health issues they are willing to go along with politicians who's only experience with Power stations, heavy fuel oil, gas and contracts of this magnitude are the cut and paste information available online. But oh no, the politicians wants to earn all that committee money themselves and deliver nothing but a smoke screen which the auditor general saw. Since when does a Minister is given a chair to sit on a committee that is investigating one of his contracts ? Where are those smart ass journalists who continue to ignore this fact? And when will the Maltese people stand up to be counted and declare in unison their objections to such a project so detrimental to their health and the well being of their children, or do they consider this less important than divorce? It's amazing how gullible and retarded our priorities appear to the rest of the EU.
Dr.Lawrence Gonzi , This is one paragraph that made me smile:) To let you know I am not either side- above all I am A Free Thinker. *Gonzi recalled the Mintoff administration, saying that the PN “know what it is like to live under a dictatorship,” while “Labour doesn’t know what it is like to live under a dictatorial rule that broke down the country’s institutions.”* How About you recall your Uncle ArcBishop gonzi ,when he was in rule ehh ;-) ehhehehee
well Dr Austin Gatt if the Labour Party are throwing mud to BWSC directors why don't you let PAC to hear the other witnesses of the contract so that the MUD perhaps should have been THROWN on YOU Dr Austin Gatt since you are making a lot of fuss so they did not speak I think you are afraid of something otherwise you let them speak
Alfred Galea
If the Weasel is so sure about the BWSC being above board then why do his utmost to railroad any investigation?? And if Gonzi is so sure why not bring in outside investigators with the power to subpeona any witnesses and place them under oath?? LIARS.