Local Councils require further empowerment - AD

Whilst addressing a plenary meeting organised for Local Councillors by the Local Councils Association, AD spokesman said that Local Councils require further empowerment in environmental issues.

Carmel Cacopardo AD spokesman on Sustainable Development and Local Government said that as a result of examining the Consultative Document on the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy it results that Local Councils have not been considered as being worthy of giving an input.

Cacopardo added that some of the impacts effect localities directly. In particular he made reference to the capacity of the infrastructure to handle changes in the frequency and intensity of rainfall.

“We still have Authorities and Commissions appointed by government that are still not sufficient aware of the important role of local councils.” Cacopardo said.

The spokesman acknowledged that there are authorities who recognise the role of local authorities. Cacopordo made direct reference to the intervention of Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said with MEPA in order that it halts its negotiations with Freeport on the conditions of its environmental permit pending the direct involvement of the Birżebbuġa Local Council.

“On the other hand,” Cacopardo said, “when MEPA issued the environmental permit  on the Marsa abattoir incinerator, the Marsa and Paola local councils were given rights at the expense of Wasteserve.”

Cacopardo explained that the local councils could establish themselves an alternative air  monitoring system as well as engage the services of experts to assist them in understanding the technical data available.

“Considering the criticism being made it is clear that these Local Councils are not aware of their rights which they consequently do not make use of,” he said.  

Cacopardo suggested that the Association should better assist Local Councils in how to proceed in such circumstances.