Opposition MP warns of political discrimination at St Vincent de Paule
Robert Cutajar lashes out at CEO of government agency for Facebook comments that 'attempt to intimidate and ridicule him'

Opposition MP Robert Cutajar warned of political interference in the management of St Vincent de Paule.
Speaking in his parliamentary adjournment, he said that employees at the old people’s home feel intimidated and demotivated, due to certain transfers being carried out.
“Certain transfers seem as though they have been carried out to appease certain people, and they carry a smell of political interference,” he said. “It’s useless for the management to carry out team-building exercises if it then discriminates amongst its own staff.”
He also warned that elderly residents of St Vincent de Paule are being left in beds inside the foyer, and that construction waste is being dumped on the floor outside the home – close to where employees park their cars.
“Despite the social welfare minister [Michael Farrugia]’s reassurances, it is clear that health and safety regualtions aren’t being adhered to,” he said.
In his speech, he also lashed out at a chief executive of a government agency for “trying to ridicule and intimidate him” via a Facebook post.
He didn’t mention the CEO by name but said that he has been granted two jobs since Labour’s election in 2013 and that his agency falls under the social policy ministry.
“Out of respect, I wont disclose his name, but I won’t rule out revealing his name and the post itself in the future,” he said. “The person concerned had better concern himself with the problems faced by this extremely sensitive agency, rather than post such comments on Facebook. He should act in a way that befits the salary that he receives from the public purse.”