Police probe Xghajra Council break-in

A police investigation is underway at the Xghajra Local Council offices as robbers make off with pc monitors and an electricity generator stolen from council building.

Police sources have confirmed that thousands of euros worth of computer monitors, power tools, and a large electricity generator were stolen in an break-in at the offices.

Discovered at 7:30am, initial investigations have so far revealed that two printers, two TFT flat-screen monitors, four power tools, and a large electric generator were stolen.

A Ford Transit van belonging to the council, which was parked nearby, was also broken into. Later searches revealed that two of the printers are still in the area however, as was one of the power tools.

One printer had been placed inside the van, for reasons unknown, while the other printer was allegedly sighted abandoned in a nearby field. The power tool was left in a plastic bag to the side of the site. No actual computer units were however stolen.

Inside the local council building, composed of three rooms – two of which interconnected – was a chaotic sight. Amid the chaos and papers strewn around the floor, beer cans and extinguished cigarettes could be seen – indicating the robbers might have taken their time.

Expressing confusion about the reason why the van was broken into and a printer placed inside, council executive secretary Carmelo Camilleri speculated that the robbers might have been forced to make a quick getaway.

Police officers from the Zabbar Police station were called to the scene as soon as the theft was revealed, Mayor Anthony Valvo said to media on site.

Valvo was on site assisting the police in their investigations. Director of Local Councils Martin Bugelli also made an appearance. After surveying the damage, he requested that Valvo keep him informed of the situation and augured that the Council would be up and running again as soon as possible. He added he is looking forward to the outcome of the police investigation.

Valvo reacted strongly to reports that he was "questioned" by police, affirming that the only contact he had with police was when officers were called to the scene just after the break-in was discovered.

Meta tghamel dikjarazzjoni bhal din, ghala ma igibx ismek? Facli wiehed jikteb u jipprova ihammeg lin-nies, partiti, u kull socjeta ohra minhajr ma ikollu l-kuragg li juri ismu. Nahseb wiehed ma jigibx ismu ghax ikun jaf li flok ihammeg jispicca jithammeg huwa.
Hurrah - the directive from PN headquarters has yielded results. Find us a corrupt PL councilman! No flies on our police force when its the PN party that is calling the shots.