1,844 refugee applications received in 2015
Number of irregular immigrants landing in Malta on the decrease

During 2015, 1,844 applications were received by the Office of the Refugee Commissioner (ORC), an increase of 36.4% over the preceding year.
in the same period, 106 irregular immigrants reached the Maltese shores, a decrease of 81.4% over the preceding year.
Of these persons, 99.1% were of African origin. Almost half of the African persons arriving by boat were Malian and Senegalese nationals (25.7% and 22.9% respectively).
The ORC filed 1,844 applications for international protection in 2015, nearly half of which (46.6%) were males aged between 18 and 34. The majority, 68.1%, were Africans, of whom 71.7% were Libyans.
Another 26.2% originated from Asia, predominantly from Syria (86.1%).
During 2015, the ORC processed 1,491 applications; 83.8% were granted a positive decision, while the remaining applications were rejected.
Nearly three-quarters (72.2%) of the applicants who were granted asylum were of African origin while a further 23.4% were Asians.
A decrease of 20.9% was registered in the number of persons residing in open centres and other institutional households. The majority, or 74.6%, of these persons were residing in Hal Far, while a further 17.7% were residing in Marsa.
During 2015, 577 persons were found to be present illegally in Malta, a decrease of 41.8% over the previous year.
43.2%, were Africans, while a further 36.0% were Europeans (mainly of Serbian nationality).
69.7% of these migrants were between 18 and 34 years old. Of the persons who were found to be illegally present in Malta, 466 persons were returned to a third country, of which 44% returned to European countries, mainly Serbia.
Last year, a total of 570 third-country nationals were resettled in another country.