Opposition MP warns traffic diversion harming San Gwann residents, businsses

Kristy Debono criticises government for failing to consult businesses, residents and local council before implementing traffic diversion at Vjal ir-Rihan roundabout

Recent traffic diversions in San Gwann have been of detriment to residents and businesses in the area, Opposition MP Kristy Debono warned.

Through the diversion, traffic that used to pass through the roundabout at Vjal ir-Rihan is now being diverted around the block, onto Triq Salvu Busuttil and Triq Caruana Dingli. The changes were introduced to prepare San Gwann for the traffic influx that it is set to receive upon the closure of the Kappara junction.

However, Debono warned that the diversions have hit hard residents of Triq Salvu Busuttil, whose street has effectively become a main road overnight.

She was she second Opposition MP to criticise the traffic diversion in Parliament today, following shadow transport minister Marthese Portelli - who was also elected from the same district.

In her parliamentary adjournment, she added that the diversions have harmed business in the area, questioning whether the government was truly as pro-business as it often claims to be.

She hit out at the government for failing to consult with residents, businesses and the local council prior to implementing the changes accusing it of “arrogantly bulldozing over everyone as though they didn’t exist”.

“Residents, businesses and the local council weren’t consulted or even informed about the diversions; they simply woke up one fine day to find the works ongoing,” she said.

She argued that bus drivers weren’t even informed about the new changes, recounting how she had seen a driver have to stop the bus to ask a Transport Malta marshal for directions.

“It is clear that the plans were designed by a person who has never set foot in the area, because otherwise they wouldn’t have been designed like they have.”