Women’s confederation says wider choice of emergency contraception ‘a right’

Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations supports accessibility of emergency contraception to women in Malta

Women in Malta have the right to a wider choice of emergency contraception, the Malta Confederation for Women’s Organisation has said.

The morning after pill in Malta is not licensed for sale but the Malta Medicines Authority is unclear as to whether the pill would be legal or not to licence.

The Women’s Right Foundation filed a judicial protest against the State calling for the legalisation of the emergency contraceptive. But critics, including conservative MPs, said the pill was an abortifiacient.

“The morning-after pill works to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Considering the fact that there are similar contraceptive methods, such as the coil available in Malta, the MCWO feels that women in Malta have the right to a wider choice of emergency contraception,” MCWO chairperson Lorraine Spiteri said.

“The morning-after pill is much less costly, less invasive, more accessible for women who might need it and will give them more control over their health and their lives. The MCWO is supporting licencing and accessibility of this medicine in Malta.”