Three teenagers ordered community service for stealing

Three teenagers from Birzebbugia admitted in court today to having stolen bracelets from Mystic stationery on Tuesday evening.

Neven Cassar, 18, Darryl Camilleri, 19 and a 14-year old friend also admitted handling stolen property and breaking open a Maltapost deposit box.

The total cost amounted to €269.

All three were placed under probation for two years and ordered to carry out 150 hours each of community service. They were also ordered to pay back damage.

Magistrate Jacqueline Padovani told them off firmly, warning them that had the crime been more serious, it would have shown up in their record, making it difficult for them to find a job in the future.

What they had done was reckless, and will pay back the community for the damaged they had caused.