Health minister confirms Mount Carmel admission for synthetic drug user
Vast majority of 185 patients admitted to Mount Carmel between May and 6 June were men, seven minors admitted to mental hospital's youth residence

One of the patients admitted to Mount Carmel between May and early June had abused of synthetic drugs, health minister Chris Fearne confirmed.
Fearne was responding to one of a series of parliamentary questions by shadow health minister Claudette Buttigieg on the 185 patients who were admitted to Malta’s mental health hospital between 1 May and 6 June.
149 of these patients were Maltese, while 36 were foreigners – including a couple of British citizens who were in Malta on holiday.
The vast majority – 138 - of the patients were men, while 47 were women. Seven of the patients were minors, who were placed within Mount Carmel’s Youth Residence.