Waldorf Auto Service Centre to offer consultation on LRP Phase-Out

Few would stop to wonder why some cars need leaded petrol or more commonly used LRP. But many will start wondering especially come 1 January 2011, when Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP) will no longer be available for retail in the Maltese Islands.

Leaded Petrol was in fact banned from general sale as from 1st January 2000as part of a European strategy to reduce pollution from road traffic and improve the air we breathe. However, as there remained on the roads a significant number of cars that needed Leaded Petrol, oil companies introduced Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP) - essentially an Unleaded Fuel containing other metal salts such as potassium or manganese, to give the valve seat protection that some cars need.

“Basically, lead in petrol does two things,” explains Ing. Roberto Mifsud Degiorgio, Service Manager of the Waldorf Auto Service Centre who are announcing a series of free consultations to all those whose car operates with LRP.

“Leaded petrol increases the fuel's octane rating making it less prone to 'knock' or 'pinking'. This is when the fuel in the engine burns in an uncontrolled manner, potentially causing damage to the engine. Secondly it protects the engine's exhaust valve seats from wear. Cars that are designed to run on unleaded fuel in fact have very hard valve seats that resist wear.”

“As with anything else, there are always alternatives that the LRP car owner may wish to consider,” ensures Ing. Mifsud Degiorgio.

“If your car needs LRP or Leaded Petrol to protect the valve-seats from wear you can fill up with the appropriate grade of unleaded petrol and add a lead-replacement anti-wear additive. Some additives designed to protect valve-seats also contain octane-boosters. In normal or moderately hard road use, the valve seat protection afforded by these additives is perfectly satisfactory, and engine life will be just as good as with LRP. These additives are already available in bottles or syringe-like applicators from your service station and from motor accessory shops.”

“If your car uses LRP for it's higher octane rating alone, one may also use Unleaded Petrol and convert his car by simply having the ignition timing retarded.  A check of the ignition timing is usually part of the routine service schedule, so the extra cost of the re-setting should not be great. ” added Ing. Mifsud Degiorgio.

“If your car however is used for prolonged driving or towing and cannot run on Unleaded Petrol,one should consider having hard valve seats fitted to the cylinder head. This will then allow his car to run on unleaded petrol without damage and there will no longer be the need to use LRP or anti-wear additives. If the car owner is unsure whether he needs to go through this expense, he should check the tappet clearances of the engine frequently while an anti-wear additive is used. If the exhaust valve clearances reduce more rapidly than normal this is a sign of the valve seats wearing. In the short term wear can be accommodated by adjusting the tappet clearances, however in the long term one would need to have hard valve seats fitted to the cylinder head.”

Waldorf Auto Service Centre, located in Msida Valley Road, a member of the Pater Group, has over 30 years of experience in the industry as authorized repairers of Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Iveco and Hyundai passenger and commercial vehicles. The Service Centre is now launching a new initiative aimed at all LRP car owners – a free consultation service to help them find the best possible solution prior to January 1st 2011.

“This is an issue that is bound to affect many car owners across the board and this is why we are offering this consultation for free and to the owners of all brands,” explains Ing. Mifsud Degiorgio. “Our Service Centre is geared with the most advanced mechanical, and electronic equipment required to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective servicing. These high standards are confirmed by a Grade A classification from the Malta Insurance Association, which follows Thatcham UK standards.”

Owners of models running on LRP fuel who need guidance on how best to approach this issue and who need to learn more about this subject are encouraged to contact the Waldorf Auto Service Center on 23820000 and will be given an appointment.