Air Malta steering committee meets for the first time

The steering committee for the restructuring of Air Malta met today for the first time, at the finance ministry.

The meeting was led by finance minister Tonio Fenech. Also present where Air Malta representatives and representatives from Malta’s Permanent Representation to the EU, the Opposition, the General Workers’ Union, the Airline Pilots Association, the Union of Cabin Crew and the Association of Airline Engineers.

The committee agreed on its terms of reference to have a restructuring plan presented and accepted by the European Commission, and follow its implementations.

The plan will include an analysis of the size of Air Malta’s fleet and which routes it will keep; a reduction of expenses to an acceptable level to maintain its core business; improving its commercial operations and revenue streams; and the amount of employees required for the operation.

Government said it would shoulder responsibility for all decisions taken in the absence of consensus between the parties.

The comments below are all beside the point! now it uselles nagging about the past. air malta is on the brink of collapse and i say thanks to the vicious clique who have swindled every penny.Did you see the inreas of 1000euros for the gms and the hosen few? Did you ask how much we are paying to the call centre manned by the maestro of Azzurra air who formed a company and was given air maltas backbone on a plate! his taff were all promoted when they returned and what not!! Wow we had the superstar Ernst Funk , the brave Canadian Brok Friedn he too was made to go on long leave but i he getting paid for the year and a half left?? can anyone ask this? it interesting to know as that will be thousands of euros down the drain!! Theys screwed it all up and want the workers to pay this i what the unions have to look after not the wages et at this crucial moment.
dear employee, mela issa qed nerqu ax il cabin crew u il kaptana iffirmaw collective agreement?ax jezistu zewg unions civili u li jafu xinu l-ahjar al membri tahhom u tal kumoanija?taf li dawk iz zewg agreeements iffrankaw lil kumpanija miljuni ta euro. jghidula produttivita. biex tiehu trid taghti u ghalhekk jgawdi kulhadd. Forsi Tony Zarb ghandu bzonn jiftakar li dawn madomx iz zminijiet li ssabbat saqajk u twebbes rasek. Zmienijiet jinbiddlu u circistanzji jinbiddlu. pero li ma nistax nifhem hi kif waqajt fin nassa tal kumoanija. qatt smajt bil frazi divide and rule. siehbi.....KULHADD huwa mdendel.Anke il glorofied waiters u il mechanics tal ajruplani.anke dak li jaqla daqs il president.familji bhalek ghandom.mohhok hemm habib.
Joe South, this is not about us and them this is between us and us
Alfred Galea
Employee, you make a very valid point, but you have to think about this very very carefully....once you make the decision not to accept what they offer, you cannot turn back later on, coz then they'll treat you like shit, knowing your weakness.
dear GWU, we are already hearing that wages will be cut across the board. Don't you even dream of accepting this for your members, not unless ALL WAGES are revised to pre MOU levels. It's not fair that the other 3 unions have obtained unrealistic increases as they could bargain from a position of strength, and the others are still stuck to 2004 levels, and all get a wage cut. If the knowall, higher paid than the president captains, the glorified waiters and waitresses, the 2 hour work a day engeneers and the top management incluidng GMs, who brought us into this mess, want to kill the company, let them take the responsability. CALL THEIR BLUFF NOW. We common mortals, are not prepared any more the be children of a lesser God. Tony Zarb, wake up.
Alfred Galea
Where was the UHM??Or do they have meetings on their own??