Strong winds, 4m waves forecast for Friday and Saturday
The northwesterly wind is expected to pick up on Friday reaching force 7 to 8
Malta is in for a couple of days of very strong winds, that will reach Force 7 to 8 on Friday, with four-metre waves expected.
The Malta Airport weather station is reporting a ridge of high pressure extending from the Bay of Biscay to Libya as a trough of low pressure over the eastern Mediterranean extends towards Sicily.
The wind is expected to pick up on Thursday as it registers force 5 to 6 strength from the northwest, with the sea being slight to moderate, gradually becoming rough.
The wind will reach force 7 to 8 on Friday, with the sea becoming rough to very rough.
Gozo’s north western coast is expected to take the brunt of the high waves.
On Saturday, as the worst of the high pressure ridge moves away from Malta, the wind will drop to force 4 or 5 again.
The highest temperature expected over the same days is 28C, rising to 29C on Sunday.