Shameless attack targets voluntary first-aid organisation
Voluntary rescue and first-aid organisation St. John’s Ambulance suffers shameless vandal attack and robbery

Voluntary first-aid and rescue organisation St. John’s Ambulance Malta, suffered a “senseless and shameless attack”, last weekend, when a number of their ambulances were vandalised and robbed.
On its Facebook page, the organisation said that the attack happened in the yard, and that the robbery would mean that their “capabilities have been delivered a hard blow.”
The organisation announced that the vandals had stolen a generator, a power wash, an air compressor, a flat 2 ton jack, pin index oxygen regulators and a number of other tools and consumables like gloves, gauzes, dressings and bandages, among others.
“This voluntary organisation works so hard to help all the people of the Maltese Islands,” the post reads.
“It is so hard for all our members to carry out this job on a voluntary basis, especially after a long day's work or during weekends but they do it with dedication,” it added, pointing out the organisation’s motto “In the service of humanity.”
The group added that it depended largely on donations in order to continue growing and indeed just functioning.
“Our members are still continuing this work as we shall not be put off by a few people.”
The organisation has appealed for those wishing to help to contact the group on Facebook, and they also expressed gratitude to the Malta Police Force, for taking the case seriously.