Inbound tourists increase almost 18% over October 2009
Tourstat data for October showed an increase of 17.9% in the number of inbound tourists over October 2009.
Inbound tourists were estimated at 146,397, the majority of whom were holidaymakers. Most inbound tourists came from EU Member States, with repeat visitors registering an 11% increase.
Tourists from Non-EU destinations were also on the rise and accounted for 13% of the total for the month.
The main markets for incoming tourists were UK, Germany and Italy; however a notable increase was evident in the number of French tourists.
Non-package trips were the most popular among inbound tourists, with an estimated 53% of the total. Both package and non-package trips rose by 19 and 17% respectively.
An increase of 6% was recorded in the number of tourists spending a minimum of seven nights in Malta.
Total nights spent during October were estimated at around 1.1 million, the majority of which were spent in collective accommodation establishments. This is equivalent to an increase of 18%. Total nights spent in private accommodation were 19% higher when compared to the corresponding month last year. The average length of stay was estimated at 7.7 nights, at par with the estimate for last year.
Inbound tourists in the first 10 months totalled 1.2 million, up by 13% when compared to the corresponding period last year. Increases were recorded in the number of repeat tourists and first-time visitors, albeit the latter still constituted the majority (Table 6). The average length of stay stood at 8.4 nights, marginally down from last year's estimate.
On a gender basis, male tourists exceeded females, accounting for 51% of inbound tourists. The majority of tourists fell within the 25-44 age bracket, closely followed by those in the 45-64 age group. Nonetheless, a significant increase was observed in the number of tourists under 25 years of age.
Total nights spent over the first ten months advanced by 13%, surpassing the 10 million mark. Guest nights in collective accommodation establishments increased by 13%, primarily spent in hotel accommodation. Nights spent in private accommodation were 12% above last year's levels.
Total tourist expenditure was estimated at €1,034 million, or 23% higher than that for the corresponding period last year. Increases were recorded in all expenditure categories. Total per capita expenditure stood at €862, up by 8% over January-October 2009.