Tourism authority clamps down on Comino overcrowding
Malta Tourism Authority says four Comino beach operators have been fined €12,000 for breaching concession regulations, but conditions now being adhered to

The Malta Tourism Authority has announced it has beefed up enforcement on Comino regarding the number of umbrellas and deckchairs on the island.
In a statement, the MTA said that the four operators on the island have been fined in total around €12,000 since the beginning of summer, but that they are now meeting the regulations specified in a 2015 concession.
As per the agreement, only 230 deckchairs are permitted at the Blue Lagoon. Deckchairs and umbrellas cost either €5 or €10 each, depending on the location.
“We are pleased to note that the regulations specified in the agreements, including those relating to maximum number of deckchairs allowed and the prices per unit that can be charged in the different areas are being followed,” the MTA said. “This exercise is an ongoing one which started since the beginning of the season and will continue till the end of summer. Activity is intensified in August, which is traditionally the peak summer month.”
Following a barrage of reports and complaints about overcrowding in Comino, tourism minister Edward Zammit Lewis blasted the “unacceptable” situation on the island and warned that government could revoke its three-year concession with four operators in case of repeated breaches of the conditions.
The MTA on Friday published a list of authorised prices in accordance with contracts signed by operators of umbrellas and deckchairs in Blue Lagoon and Santa Marija Bay.
The pricing depends on the areas within the beach. According to the list, there are three designated areas: the jetty and the outlook area where an umbrella and a deckchair cost €5 each, and the beach area where they cost twice as much. This means that hiring both a deckchair and an umbrella should cost between €10 and €20, depending on the area chosen.
The MTA admitted that there is room for improvement with regards enforcement on Comino, but claimed that the current situation is a “definite step forward” compared to a few years ago.
“It was a chaotic unregulated situation, when as many as 1500 deckchairs were spread all over the Blue Lagoon, including Cominotto and the garigue area. The current agreements have delimited the areas where hire of deckchairs is permissible and brought down the maximum number to 230 deckchairs.”
The Malta Tourism Authority reminds the general public that, although there is clearly room for improvement, the current situation is a definite step forward compared to the chaotic unregulated situation that prevailed some years ago, when as many as 1500 deckchairs were spread all over the Blue Lagoon, including Cominotto and the garrigue area. The current agreements have delimited the areas were hire of deckchairs is permissible and brought down the maximum number to 230 deckchairs.”