AD urges public to boycott bond issue to finance towers
Carmel Cacopardo calls on public to boycott the bond issue to finance the high-rise projects that were recently approved in Sliema and Mriehel

Green party Alternattiva Demokratika has called on the public to boycott the financing of high-rise buildings that the Planning Authority recently approved in Sliema and Mriehel.
AD deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said in a statement that a boycott of the bond issue to finance the projects would send a strong and effective message against the towers.
“Civil society should send a clear message that those who are prepared to finance these projects do not deserve the support of the Maltese population,” he said. “It is more effective if the boycott is directly linked to the financing process of the high-rise buildings.”
Earlier today, former Din l-Art Helwa president Martin Scicluna urged green NGOs to boycott businesses owned by the Gasan and Tumas groups. The powerful groups are jointly behind the four tower blocks approved in Mriehel, while Gasan will also develop a 38-storey skyscraper in Qui Si Sana.
“High-rises…[are] vanity projects unworthy of a Prime Minister who was elected to office promising to protect environmental standards,” Scicluna wrote in an opinion piece for the Times.