Two schools open summer learning support centres in pilot project
Most of the students who attend the centres will have faced considerable emotional or social problems throughout the year, affecting their schoolwork

Two schools – in Hamrun and Naxxar – have each introduced a learning support centre during summer in a pilot project aimed at complementing the services offered by the four existing centres.
These centres cater for students facing difficulties in school, and offers them guidance and instruction in a variety of subjects, chosen by the students themselves, and which include arts and crafts, beauty care, sports, performing arts, cookery and nutrition, automotive engineering, card making, flower arrangement, and basic sewing.
The programme at school in Hamrun, part of St Thomas Moore College, is led by Christine Grech, while the centre in the Naxxar school, part of the Marija Regina College, is led by Audrey Attard.
The students start each day by preparing breakfast together, then breaking up into small groups to start working with the lecturers in 30-minute work stations.
Education minister Evarist Bartolo visted the two centres on Wednesday and thanked the staff for their work with the students.
Most of the students who attend the centres would have faced considerable emotional or social problems throughout the year, affecting their schoolwork.
Before attending the centres, they would already have received individual attention and guidance while at school, but would still require further instruction to make up for what they missed during the school year.