After Olmert allegation, PN raises questions over Muscat’s contacts with Bateman

Joseph Muscat ‘not transparent’ about his contacts with Israeli tenderer Bateman, PN says.

The PN said in a statement that Labour leader Joseph Muscat’s alleged contacts with Israeli firm Bateman – which filed a judicial protest against the award of the €200 million Delimara power station extension to Danish firm BWSC – were “worrying to those who believe in public transparency.”

The PN was referring to claims by Israeli ambassador Gideon Meir that Joseph Muscat’s contacts with Bateman were “good” and that it was Muscat who brought up the subject in a meeting between the two parties.

“The PAC testimony is now revealing that Bateman had ‘insider information’ on the contract… and had the former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert – accused of corruption in his own country – putting pressure so that Bateman wins the contract,” the PN said – referring to statements by minister Austin Gatt in the public accounts committee that Olmert tried to established contact with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi on the matter.

“The public ought to know what relations exist between Muscat and Bateman, and how many times the PL met up with companies that lost out in tendering bids,” the PN said.

Mark Fenech
Usual for PN to throw these stories. This is a repetition of what happened to Hon. Justine Caruana when they lost the vote in parliament. Besides thus this allegation mean, that PN are confirming that actually they had contacts with BWSC? But it is not a problem, for according to them PL had contacts with Bateman.
How very comfy for the PN to start spinning a story to control more damage to the party. The only lesson the PL has to take from the PN is how to run the spin machine because they are so adapt at throwing mud in the opposite direction as it flies into their faces. Reports or no reports no more votes for the PN from me. Never voted labour but about to i suppose. Anything to stop hearing and seeing the same recycled ministers etc.