Climate Action Day denied permit by Valletta local council
Friends of the Earth Malta teamed up with Moviment Graffiti and Greenhouse to raise awareness on climate change at Palace Square, but were refused a permit by the Valletta local.
Whilst millions of people across the world are participating in events and activities, coinciding with the annual United Nations Climate Talks, Malta’s activity has been cancelled.
Friends of the Earth Malta, Moviment Graffiti and Greenhouse have been denied the permit to set up a press conference, followed by a symbolic action and display of educational information boards related to climate change.
Martin Galea deGiovanni, chairperson of Friends of the Earth, said the council denied the permit without giving a justification. “The only thing the mayor said was to do the activity in January - whilst the rest of the world is holding the activities during this month,” Galea deGiovanni said.
“We believe the permit has been denied because of the business community. However, St George’s Square is empty right now so we cannot understand what the problem is,” he said.
Chris Mizzi, member of the Moviment Graffiti, claimed this is not the first time similar activites have been denied a permit. “We cannot understand why we have been denied this. What we know is that this is not the first time,” he said.
The council has also denied the activists to pass out any flyers to passers-by.
“But whilst we have been denied the chance to give out flyers, other business companies are not suffering from the same problem,” Mizzi pointed out. “City Gate is packed with people from different organizations handing out flyers.”
Stefano Moncada, a board member of the Friends of the Earth, also voiced his disappointment "at the lack of interest". According to him, this is an issue which even a Eurobarometer survey gives much importance to. “We are very upset about this. Whilst the Eurobarometer places climate change as the third most important issue, the Maltese government does not address the issue in terms of equality in raising awareness and terms of campaigning,” Moncada claimed.
“Today’s denial actually mirrors how the government is addressing the issue, which is basically non-existent,” Moncada said, adding that Non-Governmental Organisations and the general public are more aware about the issue than government is.