Police shouldn’t remain under government’s responsibility – Evarist Bartolo

The Police Force should not remain under government’s responsibility, but be transferred to the office of the President of Malta, says Labour MP Evarist Bartolo.

In an interview with newspaper Illum, Bartolo states that he has "more faith in institutions that form part of Parliament than those that fall beneath the government.”

“Neither am I satisfied with the relationship between the office of the Attorney General and the police... what I want to know is whether the police can inform us as to which were the cases it has seriously investigated on a ministerial level from Independence up to present day,” he queried.

Referring to the BSWC Delimara Power Station extension tender scandal, Bartolo affirmed that “if the Police Force wants to prove it is ready to investigate, it has plenty on which it can investigate.” 

"The Police force should have sent for Joe Mizzi and investigated him. The Police should have confiscated his computer and hard disk to investigate what emails we sent between November 2005 and March 2009. This wasn’t done. Why not?” Bartolo queried.

READ MORE in Illum’s digital edition.

Mr. minnfommissorm if you think there is no intelligence on the Mp side adding yours to theirs makes no difference at all.
MR.BIG MOUTH OF THE SOUTH. HALLI NIKTEB BIL MALTI FORSI L'ARJA TA SOUTH QED TAFFETTWAK. NAHSEB BILFORS LI BIEX TAGGEL MOHHOK MA LEHHAQX MA ILSIENEK. QUOTE:These appointments should go before the board for a public inquiry before they are confirmed so that anybody responsible who might object should also be heard. TAF XI TIFFSER ? LI JEKK IKUN HEMM XI BIGGGGG MOUTH BHALEK LI JIPPONI JISTA JITLA JGHID GHALIEX BDIEDEN MANDUX JINHATAR. NOW FOR YOUR INTELLIGENT COMMENT BUT, as long as you took a swipe at PL, you and your masters are satisfied. According to your polluted imagination, nobody has the right to critisize the PL. Is this the new PL movement using this paper to censor the freedom of expression?
Alfred Galea
[One final comment the POLICE should fall under an APPOINTED BOARD selected by parliament from competent professionals and not the presidency] Windy, first you say that an intelligent MP is a "rarity" and then you want them to appoint a "Board" that the police should fall under......not only you're a windbag but full of hot air too. BUT, as long as you took a swipe at PL, you and your masters are satisfied. By the way, if your board will be as useful as the numerous boards we have now, it'll be another exercise in futility.
wITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO MR. BARTOLO. This BWSC bullshit is too little, too late. You should have spoken about this to your collegues on the PAC committe before the inquiry started. Now it seems like the PL is throwing investigative ideas hoping something will stick. What good is it to talk about confiscating the computer or hard disk now after all these months? Who knows where the hard disk is by now? As an intelligent MP on the PL side and God knows that they are a rarity at the present, one expects better dialogue from you on the opposition side. One final comment the POLICE should fall under an APPOINTED BOARD selected by parliament from competent professionals and not the presidency. These appointments should go before the board for a public inquiry before they are confirmed so that anybody responsible who might object should also be heard. There should not be one person alone responsible but rather seven or nine people that can cut the mustard between the protection of citizens and the functions of the police.