No locality can refuse having wardens

Ten years after the introduction of a warden system in each locality, the local council reform aims to bring with it changes in how this system is delegated.

Local Councils Association President Michael Cohen explained to newspaper Illum how local enforcement will fall under the responsibility of the Regional Committee

Local councils will be therefore administered on a regional basis. But under the reform, local councils will be unable to refuse deploying wardens from the privately-owned firms.

“Every decision needs to be taken in the interest of the region as a whole and not according to the needs of each individual locality,” Cohen maintained. Asked what impact the reform would have, Cohen said that each locality would be affected differently.

The regions, according to how these are laid down in law, are split into five: North, South, Easth, West, and Gozo.

READ MORE in Illum’s digital edition.

Wardens are not wanted in most localities because they are simply cash collectors for the private companies with the local councils taking their share from the spoils. Get rid of the wardens Cohen or you will get our message on our vote.