PN approves seven new election candidates
Mary Bezzina, Doris Borg, Jean-Pierre Debono, Joe Ellis, Paul Mazzola, Ian Vassallo and Stanley Zammit approved as PN candidates for the next general election

The Nationalist Party has approved seven new candidates for the upcoming general election - Mary Bezzina, Doris Borg, Jean-Pierre Debono, Joe Ellis, Paul Mazzola, Ian Vassallo and Stanley Zammit.
“In this year’s Independence Day festivities, the PN will switch on the party machine and won’t switch off until the end of the next general election that we are determined to win,” PN leader Simon Busuttil said in a statement. “The executive council’s approval of seven new candidates represents another step in the renewal of the party that is gearing up for the next election.”
Jean-Pierre Debono, from Haz-Zebbug, has formed part of the PN’s executive for the last ten years, and is currently serving as the party’s assistant secretary general. He is also the husband of Nationalist MP Kristy Debono.
Mary Bezzina is a nursing manager from Qormi, who works at the mental health section of the Bormla health centre, while Doris Borg is a retired teacher and Xghajra councilor, and Joe Ellis is a lawyer and former PN candidate who lives in Birkirkara.
Paul Mazzola is a family doctor from St Paul’s Bay who works at the St James’ Hospital in Haz-Zabbar, while Ian Vassallo is a podiatrist and Rabat councilor, and Stanley Zammit is an engineer and Birzebbuga councilor.
Their approval by the PN’s executive council means that the party has now approved 57 candidates to contest the next election, not including current MPs.