Updated: Pulse concerned about the proposal of introducing University fees

Social democrat student group express concern at University rector’s comments that course fees might be essential to guarantee steady revenue for expanding university.

Updated with SDM reaction.

Social democrat students Pulse have expressed concern at statements by University Rector Prof. Juanito Camilleri in his pamphlet 2020 Vision or Optical Illusion? which makes the case for the introduction of student fees if the university is to survive.

“If the University of Malta had to implement such a fees system it would have social repercussions and would discourage a number of students from pursuing and furthering their studies. Such a statement contrasts [with] governments’ strategy to promote education and increase the number of graduates. Our education system encourages our students to further their studies and provides the country with a steady stream of university educated graduates that are available for our economy and that are very important to attract investment.”

Camilleri writes of his concern that the university’s internal revenue stream “has not grown in absolute terms as one would have wished”, pointing to a number of restrictions the University faces. These include the fact that – unlike universities in the UK, for example – the University of Malta cannot charge neither EU nor Maltese students for day courses, and that fees for MATSEC exams, evening courses, and for non-EU students are regulated by Government.

SDM reaction

"For SDM, free education and the maintenance grant are non-negotiable. Free education and stipends are an issue of solidarity and government investment in human resources. Any reforms and changes have to keep this important consideration."

SDM said the planning of such reforms should involve student representatives and organisations since students were the main stakeholders of the education system. “The adoption of a system of fees for all courses and for all students in tandem with a scholarship scheme which covers both tuition fees and maintenance for EU nationals who are established residents of Malta is crucial."

Alfred Galea
["For SDM, free education and the maintenance grant are non-negotiable. Free education and stipends are an issue of solidarity and government investment in human resources] And the graduation rate of these freeloaders is what?? 40%?? Waste of money. Go find a part time job and stop mooching on the taxpayers.