Birthrate up by 118 in 2015
A report by the National Obstetrics Information System has revealed that the number of children born in 2015 has grown by 118 babies when compared to the previous year

4,435 babies were born in Malta last year, which is 118 more than those born in 2014, according to a National Obstetrics Information System report.
The figures show that 66 babies were twins and three were triplets.
According to the report, 36% of women who gave birth were aged between 30 and 34, indicating a growing trend of mothers having children later in life.
There was also a marginal shift in the number of caesarians, with 31% of childbirths being assisted through the procedure, as opposed to 32% in 2014.
2015 marked the fifth consecutive year in which no woman died due to complications from childbirth.