AD in 'full support' of EC’s social benefits proposal

AD has issued its "full support" for the European Commission’s proposal to standardise the social benefits for persons with disability in all member states.

The EC’s proposal will ensure that such persons do not face additional hurdles when travelling across different EU countries, the Green party said.

Spokesperson for Social Development Angele Deguara said "Persons with disability across the EU are often victims of poverty and social exclusion due to insufficient means which enable them to participate fully in community life, education and employment.”

“In Malta, it is difficult for persons with disability to continue studying beyond compulsory schooling and many are inactive, depending on disability pensions or other benefits for their income," Deguara said.

Deguara added that since benefits and support programmes vary across the EU, persons with disability are not guaranteed a continuation of access to benefits should they move to another country. “Therefore AD augurs that the goal of the European Commission for a truly barrier-free Europe for persons with disabilities will be reached by 2020."

AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said “AD has been making various proposals with regard to this issue… persons with disability, their families and carers, NGOs and experts on disability should be given more voice in social policy.”