Muscat ‘wanted another vote’ when alleged crime boss was made PL special delegate

UPDATED | PN, PL trade salvoes over arrest of former police inspector David Gatt. ‘Serious politician would have not accepted David Gatt inside party’ - PN

The Nationalist Party has latched on to news that so called ‘boss of bosses’ David Gatt, was a Labour party special delegate in 2009, accusing leader Joseph Muscat of “political opportunism.”

“Labour has no difficulty in welcoming Gatt to the party, the same way it did with former Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech, who admitted to police of taking bribes on a council tender… Labour did the same with Michael Woods, whose brother was accused with corruption charges.”

The PL meanwhile replied to the PN asking how was it that Justice and Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici granted a warrant to David Gatt to work as a lawyer when he had been dismissed from the police force.

Former police inspector David Gatt was accused with complicity in a series of hold-ups this week. He had been dismissed from the corps in 2001, but a court of law found his dismissal to have been unfair and ordered his reinstatement. He had since become a practicing lawyer.

“After being dismissed from the corps he found refuge inside the Labour party thanks to changes Muscat brought to the party statute, so that three special delegates, who are not active with the PL, are represented at the general conference,” the PN said.

Gatt was elected as a delegate from the 8th district.

“A serious politician would have never accepted Gatt… Joseph Muscat’s opportunism, who sees the end justifying the means, made him welcome Gatt so that he could win another vote.”

Bullshit, pn is full of shit lately *spits blood*dejjem hekk ....
Paul Sammut
To PN mudrackers: Qatt ma smajna bi kriminal jirqod u jghamel l-ghassa wara il-bieb ta' Joseph. Ara wara ta Eddie, dak fatt. Qatt ma smajna li Joseph intrefa fuq l-ispallejn min xi kriminal. Ara dwar Eddie, dan nafuh. Qatt ma kien li Joseph mar jikkonfoffa ma kriminal fis-satra tal-lejl taht il-pont ta' San Giljan. Ara Eddie iva. To PN mudrackers: When you are in the shit, keep quiet. Specjalment wara telfa.
Adrian Busuttil
‘Serious politician would have not accepted David Gatt inside party’ according to PN. Are they suggesting that a person is guilty before this is proven in court?
Iz-zibel criminali jinsab kemm fil-PN kif ukoll fil-MLP: mera tas-socjeta Maltija. Jew fi-l PN nies bil-kondotta tajba biss hemm membr, speci ta Partit tal-vergni? Kulhadd jiftakar habib u konsulent ta ex Mnistru Nazzjonalista li kien jimporta id-droga. U wara kollox,mhux is-sindku Nazzjonalista ta Hal-Balzan kien se jimmedika lil dak iz-zibel l-iehor li ( f'hajja t'Allla) qala tir fix-xedaq u sab kappell jigieh?
Michael Gauci
Why would a criminal want to associate with either PL or PN? oh............errrrrr
kif jghid il-maslti KIEKU L-GEMEL JARA HOTOBTU JAQA' U JMUT ZOPPTU.........VERA? DAWN HUMA DAWK LI QALU LI JAFU LILL MIN QATEL LILL kAREN GRECH U RAYMOND CARUANA TAFUX. tiftakruh lill avukat ta' rahal meta qal li certu bniedem ghandu kwalitajiet tajbin u kwalitajiet inqas tajbin!! Malta taf liema kwalitajiet inqas tajbin kellu imma l-avukat biss jaf xi kwalitajiet tajbin kellu......................ghax gieli libes iz-zarbun tieghu!!
Il-kabura (PN) milli jkollha taghtik.
Alfred Galea
Coming from the party who embraced the Hafi this is rich. So labour embraced Michael Woods who was NOT accused of corruption but the PN embraced the brother WHO WAS accused of corruption.....
Micheal Bonanno
What the PN is conveniently leaving aside is that Mr. Gatt was a PN delegate too!