'Malta has record of climate change issues involvement' - Pullicino

The challenge posed by climate change is among the most urgent and important that humanity has ever faced, says Resources and Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino.

Speaking in Cancun, Mexico, as part of high-level segments at the UNFCCC, Pullicino emphasised how Malta brings a unique perspective to the challenge – “a basis for our modest contribution to the common interest of humanity in confronting the climatic challenge.”

“Malta has a record of involvement in climate change issues,” he affirmed, adding that “it was Malta’s 1988 initiative for a United Nations resolution on the “Conservation of Climate as part of the Common Heritage of Mankind” that resulted in the adoption of this Convention in 1992.”

He added that in recent years, as a member of the European Union, Malta has undertaken various national action aimed towards both mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

He maintained that, in 2009 Malta adopted a “National Strategy for Policy and Abatement Measures Relating to the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases” containing mitigation measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and including the implementation of renewable energy sources, electricity efficiency and conservation.

“We have commenced the implementation of these measures including schemes for the promotion of solar water heaters, photo-voltaic panels, and energy saving appliances and energy saving light-bulbs distributed to each and every household according to the size of the family,” Pullicino added.

He declined to mention however how only just over half of the targeted number of households chose to take up the subsidy on solar water heaters.

The widely-publicised energy saving light-bulbs did not have a long life. The same year the scheme was started, Mr Justice Tonio Mallia pulled the plug on the distribution scheme in 2009 because he was not convinced the way the authorities went about setting up the recent energy-saving bulb distribution scheme was "fair and transparent".

Mallia made the comments in a judgment authorising the issue of a warrant of prohibitory injunction to stop a company from distributing Megaman light bulbs. Mallia had maintained at the time that "it does not appear that this was done because of some administrative mistake... and no valid explanation was given prima facie".

During his address, Pullicino went on to say that the schemes a one time investment of around €9 million for incentives that will translate into national savings in electricity generation of approximately €7 million per year.

Maltais also currently finalising an Adaptation Strategy focusing on areas which are most likely to be affected by climate change, including water and flooding, health and socio-economic policy, biodiversity, tourism and agriculture.

“We are also exploring options for the most effective use of the fast-start funds pledged for 2011 and 2012, with a focus on projects in vulnerable countries in neighbouring Africa.”

Pullicino also affirmed that “Malta stresses the importance of building a global international regime within this Convention that addresses climate change in a comprehensive and ambitious manner.”

In line with the findings of science, Pullicino said, “we must bring the phenomenon within manageable limits and encourage adaptation to the changes that cannot be averted.  We should work together to turn this challenge into opportunities for economic growth through the advancement of green technologies and energy solutions as well as the promotion of sustainable lifestyles.”

“The battle against climate change is one of common concern for all mankind and success can only be achieved through collective action.  We must all contribute in a fair and equitable manner to this concerted effort. Within the limits of our capacity and resources, Maltawill continue to play its part,” Pullicino concluded.

uuuuu kemm ghanna paroli sbieh u kumplikati....''unique perspective to the challenge '', ''common interest of humanity'', ''building a global international regime'' etc., etc. Than when we came to ''fatti sodi'' he voted for the most polluting power station and to have no exact plans how to get rid of the residue from this mega station. iddahquniex .....ghax tal-biki.
Keith Goodlip
This is the clown that represents a circus of a government who elected for the installation of the most polluting method of generating power! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Alfred Galea
Hot air from a gasbag. Waste of his time and our money. Hope he doesn't go anywhere near Cuidad Juarez.