Updated: Government snubs JRS call to amend law on detention policy

On Human Rights Day, Jesuit Refugee Service urges government to bring policy on the detention of irregular migrants in line with Malta’s human rights obligations.

Updated 6:25pm with reaction from Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs.

“The judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Khaled Louled Massoud against Malta clearly indicates that detention of irregular migrants in Malta falls short of the requirements of human rights law,” said Fr Joseph Cassar, JRS Malta Director.

“Since there are so few people in detention it is easy to think that it is no longer an issue, but these laws and policies still affect the lives of people and they will continue to do so unless something is done.”

In this judgment, which became final on 27 October 2010, the Court upheld Massoud’s claim that his 18 month detention pending his deportation from Malta violated his fundamental human right to freedom from arbitrary detention in terms of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Although the case focuses on the detention of one particular individual, the findings of the Court and the principles it enunciated when passing judgment also shed light on the adequacy of the legal and policy framework regulating detention in Malta. 

“This ruling makes clear that no one should be arbitrarily detained, even if they have no legal right to be in Malta and are subject to removal proceedings,” said Fr Cassar.

In a reaction, the Justice and Home Affairs Ministry declared that the country’s laws were alread in conformity with the EU’s and the European Convention of Human Rights. “Our rules don’t violate these laws. The government does not believe it should change its detention policy, a policy that is operate by various other member states.”

The ministry said the Louled Massoud case “did not establish any principle” that required a change in laws, and said the Immigration Act gave a remedy to challenge detention.”

“It is a cause of great concern to JRS that people fleeing war, persecution, torture and other serious violations of their human rights too are subjected to prolonged detention, without adequate guarantees of protection from arbitrariness, because of their irregular immigration status”, Fr Cassar said.

In the light of the Court’s findings in this case, JRS Malta urged the government of Malta to conduct a holistic review of the national legal and policy framework regulating detention in order to ensure that it is in line with human rights law.

In particular, the organization called upon the government to amend the law in order to ensure that: detention is not used where removal is not feasible; even where removal is possible, detention is only used as a last resort, in specific cases where other less coercive measures have proved insufficient to secure the individual’s removal from national territory.

It also called for alternative measures so that detention does not remain the only option; and that detainees are protected from arbitrariness through the introduction of legal guarantees.

These guarantees include a requirement that detention is only implemented after a specific order to that effect, supported by reasons in fact and in law, has been issued by a judicial authority.

It also called for a fixed time-limit on detention established by law; and a speedy judicial remedy to challenge the lawfulness of detention and an automatic, independent review of detention at regular intervals.

Michael Gauci
Do Gooders cannot see past the end of their own noses.They completely ignore all the problems mass immigration has caused in Northern Europe.These people are mentally deranged if they think all will be rosey with continued immigration either illegal or not. They falsely belive it is a Christians duty to help but the Good Book states that if a man cannot look after his own then how on earth can he look after someone elses? Send them back accompanied by the Do Gooders and the JRS.
Alfred Galea
That's a surprise....Matthew agrees with James like they were two apostles having the last supper......mind you both of those two wouldn't be calling some woman names, coz they'll remember what Jesus said "let he who is with no sin cast the first stone"...... Matty, can you point out what is wrong with what LV said?? And she wasn't talking about asylum seekers, she was talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, those who throw away their IDs. SURELY, YOU can tell the difference, can't you? She asked a couple of pertinent questions, maybe Cassar SJ will answer her. The Maltese government is elected to safeguard Malta not to sell it so as to bevome the Ellis Island of the EU.
Joseph Caruana
I think Louise Vella has always been a letter-writing twerp. So I guess I have to agree with James there... LV doesn't have a basic understanding of the human rights obligations the GOM has signed up to; and that it is the State's responsibility, which we fund with our taxes, to guarantee the human rights of asylum seekers - we don't need JRS to 'volunteer their premises'. We pay the government to do it. As for the other contributors: play nice.
James Debono if you want to help illegal immigrants just go to Africa, go to their own countries and help them there because they are unwanted and unwelcome in Malta as has constantly been shown by all polls in other media. MPs represent the MALTESE CITIZENS not illegal immigrants James. So what they should present is a Private Members Bill for the expulsion of all illegal immigrants. If the JRS wants to help illegal immigrants then they should do what Jesus ordered them to do. Go to the illegal immigrants countries and help them there. Joe South those who defend illegal immigrants and not thier own brethren and country have no credibility. Tal Hamrija Malta is OUR country. It is not the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS country. Whoever enters a country illegally without any papers must be expelled as used to happen before the EU, the NGOs including the JRS started leading Gonzi by the nose. Just try to enter illegally into the USA and other "democratic" countries and see whether they will send you back on the same plane or ship. Just try to enter one of the African countries without any papers and see where you will end up. Just try it in any decent country and see what happens to you. Illegal immigrants shall be expelled whether you, the EU, NGOs and the JRS want it or not.
Alfred Galea
James, you didn't answer the question....where do you see hatred in Louise Vella's post?? And where did she say that the maltese are losing their human rights because of the illegal immigrants?? Answer the questions Jimmy, don't revert to calling those you don't agree with you fascists and hateful. You're losing your credibility.
So, are the millions of healthy and young Africans supposed to leave Africa and come to Europe, leaving the destitute and the kids to languish there in misery?Would.nt it be better if we help the Africans to develop their self-esteem, in order to build a future for themselves? Are the Africans supposed to leave their country, so that the European American, Indian and Chinese conglomerates, wreck havoc with their forests, rivers,seas and natural resources? A weak Africa is good for the exploiters especially in an age where commodities are become scarce, and willy nilly many NGOs, (especially those who "help" on the periphery, and not at the core),are helping the exploiters and not the exploited. The Guardian reported recently, that many NGOs are making a living out of charity, receiving monies from the EU, when these monies could be utilised better at the source; in Africa. Is.nt it funny, that many European NGOs are subsidised by the very Governments whose companies exploit Africans? Belgians operate in the Congo, extracting diamonds,French operate in Niger extracting uranium for their nuclear stations,whilst the Finnish, especially the phone operators, are using children's labour to extract rare metals for their phones. Rai 3 showed a dossier where thousands of boys and girls living in horrendous conditions digging this rare metal for our gadgets? Africans have to be helped at their homes. We should help them to become economically viable and independent so that these will progress towards normality. Europeans should not corrupt African leaders, for "reasons of state"and we should stop being the bankers for these corrupt lot. Charity for the Africans , should begin at home; at their own home.
If someone calls a spade for what its worth, he's soon labelled a fascist by the leftists. And how'd "presenting the JRS proposal as a private members bill" be of benefit to the Maltese nationals? Jesuits should be the very first to open their numerous premises to let the ILLEGAL immigrants in. And along with them those individuals who preach acceptance on a national scale but in real terms never put it into practice themselves!
Peter Cassar
I wonder whether there be a single progressive MP with the courage to present the JRS proposal as a private members bill....
Peter Cassar
better a catholic than a fascist i guess....
Alfred Galea
As expected, someone makes a comment about illegal immigrants and our resident bleeding heart accuse her of "spreading hate". James, WHERE do you see the hate in her comment???? She didn't say Maltese are losing their their human rights did she?? Don't you have anything better to do than accusing someone of something you're doing yourself?? Next thing you know you'll be bringing catholicism and Saint Paul into the equation.
Michael Gauci
These illegal immigrants are fleeing for nothing but economic reasons.JRS should be deported along with them, they can cuddle up together in Africa.
Peter Cassar

Do you have any idea what human rights mean? Can you give us an example of Maltese losing their human rights because of immigrants? Do you have anything better to do in your life than spreading hate Ms Vella?

JRS had better militate for the human rights of the Maltese in Malta, rather than for the rights of illegal immigrants staying illegally in our country. How many illegal immigrants does JRS want to see in Malta? And how many will they volunteer to keep on their own numerous premises in Malta?
Alfred Galea
[“It is a cause of great concern to JRS that people fleeing war, persecution, torture and other serious violations of their human rights ] Same shit different day and different clown saying it. If Cassar SJ is so concerned he and his fellow SJs should go to Africa and stop all those wars, persecutions and tortures......they would be following Jesus' instructions to his disciples, to go like sheep among wolves etc etc....but we all know thaes hypocrites will never do that....they never had it so good.