'PM has lost all political credibility' – Joseph Muscat

Referring to the latest revelations on the increase in MP's salary, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat again stressed that the Prime Minister has the wrong priorities coupled with wrong decisions.

During his weekly Sunday speech, Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat said that the way the ministerial increase was announced is yet another proof of how the Prime Minister is lacking political credibility.

On November 1, a parliamentary question raised by Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis revealed how the Ministers were pocketing two pays: the salary of being a Minister and the salary of being a member of parliament, Muscat said.

“Two and a half years on, we discover that the Cabinet had decided to give the Ministers the raise two months after the last general election, without informing anyone,” Muscat said. “The way how the decision was taken in concealment and the time, just shows how cut away Gonzi is from reality.”

Muscat recalls how the decision was taken at a time when Laurence Gonzi, “acting like the weatherman” was calling out to the Maltese and preparing for the “storm which is to come.”

“Meanwhile he was raising the salary of his Cabinet,” Muscat claimed.

“However, even more surprising, is how I ended up in the middle when Gonzi said that all MPs and the Opposition Leader were also to get a rasie,” the Opposition leader said.

Muscat explained that in another parliamentary question, this time raised by Labour MP Leo Brincat, it was revealed that on May 5, 2008, the Cabinet had decided to double the salary of both the Speaker and the Opposition Leader.

“And I am sure that I receive only one pay,” Muscat said. “Apparently I have to receive an arrears cheque of €50,000.”

“It is scandalous that at a time when each sector in the economy is passing through difficulties and have to make huge sacrifices to keep up with all the increases, the Cabinet agrees to the pay rise. It was simply not the right time to do it.”

Muscat expressed sympathy with the "middle class", saying he understood how much they were suffering and for this, he said, he would not accept the pay rise.

However, he also passed on the idea that he would go by the suggestions of others and open “a transparent trust fund”.

“Many have suggested taking the money and put it in a trust fund to help those who are in need,” Muscat said.

Maternity Leave

Referring to the rejected proposals on the maternity leave extension by the EU Council of Ministers with Malta, along with a majority of member states, voting against, Muscat branded this “as another vote against the family.”

“The maternity leave extension is not only an incentive to encourage women to join the workforce, but it is also one of the best methods to solve the pension problem,” Muscat claimed. “More women working means more contributions to the economy and in our case would mean an increase of 9% women working.”

Muscat recalled a scientific report conducted by Labour MEP Edward Scicluna in which he states that, opposite to what government said, maternity leave would cost €5 million and not €12 million.

The BWSC contract

“For the ninth consecutive time, a parliamentary question raised by Evarist Bartolo has remained without an answer,” Muscat said.

The Opposition leader was referring to a question raised by the Labour MP in which Bartolo asked the Finance Minister about the screening of the BWSC subcontractors and whether any of them were ever involved in cases of corruption.

“The questions have been repeatedly asked since May, and each time Fenech replies the answer will be given in other sitting,” Muscat said.

The Labour leader accused government of “being selective when interpreting the Auditor General’s report”.

Muscat also promised that if Labour was to be in government, a review of how the Public Accounts Committe operates will be carried out.

"We cannot be in a situation where a minister whose decisions are under investigations, ends up asking the questions himself," Muscat said in direct reference to Transport Minister Austin Gatt.

Muscat also expressed confidence that the truth will emerge over the BWSC contract.

In a reply to a question about Enemalta’s debts amounting to €500 million, Muscat said that half of the debt is a recurring debt from the building of the Delimara power station dating back to 1989.

“And amidst all these debts, Enemalta’s top employees have spent €150,000 in conferences, travel and parties.”

Muscat claimed that these people, under a Labour government, will be held accountable. 



Martin Borg please grow up. You have no idea how far off the mark you are when you say I will gain something by this. Use your brains my friend, if the PL leaves the money there, the PN will find a way to take it, pass it on to friends or use for propaganda against the PL. The PL should take the money do what they want with it...anything at all because they can';t afford to leave it there to be stolen. Then if they get elected to govern they can do things that are not possible now in opposition.
Most probably minnfomirrih is one who stands to gain from this saga. As regards gonzi's lack of credibility it a sure thing. Is Joseph refusal a gimmick, as the gonziPN spin doctors are suggesting?
Lost it? He NEVER had any political credibility. History simply proves this.
Micheal Bonanno
Windy, qatt ma qbilt mieghek fuq l-atteggjament tieghek lejn il-PL u specjalment lejn Joseph Muscat. Imma f'dawn iz-zewg messaggi ser ikolli naqbel mieghek. Sewwa qieghed tghid. Jekk jitla' l-PL fil-Gvern ser isib ghadma iebsa biex jiggverna. U x'aktarx ikollu jiehu t-trieq tal-Grecja. Is-sinjali kollha hemm qeghdin. U niggarantilek jien, li l-PN jigi bil-wicc tost kollu jghajjar lil Joseph Muscat, meta jkun Prim Ministru li gab lill-pajjizna f'dizastru. Vera kelli naqbel mieghek hawn. Dwar il-poplu jekk iqumx jew jew le dik affari ohra. Il-PN f'20 sena accerta ruhu mill-pozizzjoni tieghi billi pogga nies ta' min jafdahom fl-oghla awtoritajiet u istituti biex ikollu kontroll assolut. Dan ifisser, li jekk xi hadd mill -poplu jitniffes, dlonk itajjrulu rasu. Barra minn hekk hadu hsieb ukoll li l-poplu litteralment jaqsmuh f'zewg tribujiet. Malli jqum wiehed, dlonk iqum l-iehor jiddefendi. Ara l-kummenti fuq il-gazetta ta' Mabel u tkun taf x'jien nghid. Barra minn hekk ukoll, il-poplu gie lluppjat u qieghed bejn haltejn lill-min se jaqbad jemmen. Naturalment il-media favur il-PN qieghda taghmel xoghlha sew f'dan ir-rigward.
Tahseb int li dawn in-nies xi darba hasbu fil poplu, jew fid dejn tal pajjix. F'ghoxrin sena harbtu kemm felhu biex jisirqu li kien hemm u ziedu dejn kbir. Bejn issa w l'elezzjoni l'imiss sa tara affarijiet li l'anqas biss jitwemmnu. Dement lill poplu Malti jibqa rieqed, dawn il gangsters qed jaghmlu plan li jekk jitla il PL sejjer ikollu jaghmel bhal Gvern tal Greccja. Iz-Zieda xorta sejrin jehduha ghax sejrin iziedu lill kulhadd anke lill Majors issa. Min jaf x'ghandhom fil plan li faqqset il Pieta biex f'dawn l'ahhar sejntejn ihallu lill Malta falluta ghall partit laburista. In-Nies biss trid twaqqafhom u milli jidher hadd ma huwa juri rieda biex jaghmlu xi protesti. Kif il poplu Malti qad ma jitghallem hija haga li ma titwemmiens.
Ma nafx kif ghandek il wicc titkellem minnfommirrih mela sewwa il Pm Gonzi u shabu fosthom il gvernatur tal bank centrali is sur Bonello qed jeqerdu biex lil poplu igaluh jaghmel is sacrificci u jigi il PM Gonzi li ma ghandux MASKLA fwiccu u jigi jiehu dik iz zieda kollha ta 600 Ewro fil gimgha u johodha blura mit 2008 fil waqt li lil poplu il ministru Dr Tonio Fenech gie bil MISERIKORJA ta 1ewro 16 zieda ghal l-gholi tal hajja lil polu xinpurtahhom dawn li il KAXXA TA MALTA vojta u hemm dak id dejn kollu
QUOTE:“Many have suggested taking the money and put it in a trust fund to help those who are in need,” Muscat said. COMMENT: My suggestion is that the leader of the Opposition and the PL MP's should take the money and do with it as they please. If they feel they can contribute these funds to any charity of their choice is their priviledge. Perhaps together they can pay for the Mile End balcony or any other worthy cause towards a PL project. One must remember that when Mr. Mintoff used to tighten everybody's belt so the country can have a nice nest egg of around ONE BILLION EUROS in1987, the PN got elected and had a great party with the money. Only GOD knows how they laughed at Labour for leaving them this treasure chest. For the last 20 odd years they have never once worried about the deficit or national debt. They have milked the Maltese Cow to the last drop. If JM and his PL MP's are stupid enough to leave this money there, it will only be diverted to the pockets of the corrupt and the incompetent that continue to safeguard this administration.