Police failed to protect victim in Bogdanovic release – Democratic Party
Democratic Party warns that the alleged temporary release of Xewkija Tigers midfielder Daniel Bogdanovich was not only worrying because of the alleged political interference, but was also insensitive towards the victim

Releasing an alleged aggressor to play a football match and then re-arresting him is not only insensitive towards the victim, but the police, with their decision, increased the victim’s vulnerability when it is their duty to protect her.
In a statement, the Democratic Party (PD) condemned the decision taken by the police to release Xewkija Tigers midfielder Daniel Bogdanovic to play football, but was then re-arrested a day later and taken to court.
Bogdanovic was arrested for threatening his wife and carrying a licensed gun outside his Ghajnsielem residence. Sources told MaltaToday that a phone call from a government official led to his temporary release, allowing him to play the 3pm match against Kercem on Sunday October 30.
The PD argued that society gave police the right to exercise procedures which the lay citizens could not. The Police, it added, also enjoy the principle of ‘constabulary independence’ which ensures the necessary autonomy and avoid interference, especially that coming from political sides.
“A lack of autonomy only increases pressure on the Police Force to serve a particular agenda at the detriment of society.”
The PD went on to add that autonomy ensured that the most vulnerable are protected whilst the laws of the country are respected.