Knuckle dusters among 270 weapons seized by customs in just two weeks
In one case, the amount of weapons found in a single parcel was big enough for Customs to request the assistance of the Police

Gravity knives, knuckle dusters and slingshots were among 270 weapons seized by customs official in just two weeks.
The prohibited weapons were discovered in separate parcels addressed to different people during the first two weeks of November.
These items, Customs said, were falsely declared by the consumers as being kitchenware, paperweights, or ornaments.
In one case, the amount of weapons found in a single parcel was big enough for Customs to request Police assistance.
In a separate incident, customs officials seized 50 packets of undeclared shisha and a plastic bag containing Khat – an evergreen shrub native to East Africa which has a cocaine-like effect.
The items were found while customs officials were performing currency control and excise checks on passengers arriving on the Catamaran.