Giovanni Bonello gives new MEPA board strong voice for heritage
Reconstituted MEPA board will find in human rights lawyer an authoritative voice for the protection of historical and natural heritage.
Giovanni Bonello, formerly a judge at the European Court of Human Rights, has said he will not be serving on the MEPA board as a jurist or lawyer “but as someone who has always taken a keen interest in the historical and natural heritage.”
Bonello is the latest addition to MEPA’s highest decision making body, but will not be “interfering in MEPA’s capable lawyers’ work”.
Despite his intentions, it will be hard for other board members not to defer to his wisdom on legal aspects, which can prove useful when determining certain permits.
Bonello’s appointment lends legitimacy and prestige to the MEPA reform process, but his proverbial independence means that the government cannot expect him to toe the political line.
In the 1980s he was on the frontline defending human rights cases brought against the Mintoff government.
But in a sign of respect across the political divide, in 1998 he was nominated by Prime Minister Alfred Sant to serve on the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, where once again he distinguished himself by his independence and dissident votes.
Apart from his success in the legal field, Bonello is also an authority on Maltese history and the history of art in Malta. He is also a postal history expert and the owner of a huge collection of about 20,000 antique Maltese postcards.
Another new board member with strong environmental credentials is lawyer Philip Manduca, appointed as a member experienced in environmental organisations, which is a new appointment made in line with the MEPA reform. Manduca was a member of Din l-Art Helwa committee.
The other new members of the board are Christine Pace chairman of the Sliema Business Community Association and a fashion retail chain operator, who was appointed as a member knowledgeable in commerce. Chiara Borg, an official in the Ministry for Social Policy has been appointed for her experience in the social sector.