GWU takes pensions commission to task over lack of consultation on reform

The General Workers Union (GWU) says pensions reform commission failed to keep promise to consult union before going public on its report.

The General Workers Union said in a statement that the pensions reform commission had published its report on the upcoming pensions reform, without consulting with the union beforehand.

“The GWU got to know about the existence of this report from this morning’s newspapers,” the union said.

In a recent meeting with the commission’s chairman David Spiteri Gingell, the GWU was reportedly “promised” that a meeting will be held between the two sides for further discussion before any proposals for a pensions reform will be published.

“The meeting was in fact never held,” the GWU said.

Referring to the commission's proposal for the introduction of a second pillar pension, the GWU said that the current financial situation of many workers would not permit them to pay for mandatory private pensions, "especially seeing that families are burdened with water and electricity bills, the cost of living and increased fuel and gas prices.”

David Spiteri Gingell tajjeb mhux biex jaghmel ir riforma tal pensjonijiet imma biex jiehu il COMMISSIONS bhal ma ha mil li SMART METERS u il Commissions l-ohra li jiehu u tajjeb ukoll biex jibdel l-emmissjonijiet biex il BWSC tirbah il kuntratt ta DELIMARA xtistenna min bniedem bhal dan li ser tigieh HNIENA mil PENSJONANTI dan SAQQU MIMLIJA SEWWA ghalhekk David Spiteri Gingell mhux AHJAR TWARRAB min hemm
The GWU andall other unions should take the government to task to remove the discrimination in pensions between persons born before and after 1962 and the discrimination against all pensioners when MP's take a pension after being elected only twice and they have a 2/3 pension of the current MP salary while all the other pensioners have their pension capped. This is a disgrace on our MP's who think that they are some God sent superior beings who have to be treated better than us children of a lesser God. This applies to all sides of the political spectrum and if they want us to believe them they should remove this discrimination and put ll pensioners on the same footing where all would have a 2/3 pension of the current salary and also remove the discrimination regarding being eligible for a pension after being elected only twice while the rest of us have to work for 30 or 40 years to get a capped pension. If you don't remove these discrimination matters don't come knocking at our doors or we shall slam it in your face.