Hate bloggers projecting their negativity onto others, MP tells parliament
Labour MP Franco Mercieca, speaking during parliamentary adjournment, criticized "hate bloggers" who fabricate stories about the health of others

Labour MP Franco Mercieca has criticized a “hate blogger” who he said fabricates stories about the health of politicians, while calling on the Archbishop to condemn such acts.
Speaking during parliamentary adjournment, Mercieca, referring to blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, said that such bloggers are insecure people who project their negativity onto others.
He questioned why the Archbishop had chosen to criticise government-aide, Glenn Bedingfield, but had not done the same with Caruana Galizia.
Moreover, Mercieca said that the PN's refusal to condemn and distance itself from such a blogger would ultimately come back to haunt the party, adding that even Nationalists were “disgusted” by what was being written.
In a reaction, Archbishop Caruana tweeted a link to news reports of a speech he had made last August in which he criticised bloggers who use the internet to instigate the Maltese against each other, adding that they would have god to answer to.