JRS documentary to shed light on the real poverty of asylum seekers and migrants in Malta

A documentary by the Jesuit Refugee Service looks at the real causes of destitution of migrants and asylum seekers.

The Jesuit Refugee Service has urged the Maltese government not to shy away from the challenges of migration and integration, acknowledging the difficulties experienced in the past few years posed by the arrivals of asylum seekers.

The NGO has launched a documentary, 'Suspended Lives', centered around the lives of migrants in Malta and the result of a pilot study by the Advocacy Network for Destitute Forced Migrants (ANDES).

The study on migrant destitution looks at how the Maltese reception system affects the lives of asylum seekers and migrants in Malta, identifying the main categories of migrants facing hardship.

"The documentary was an awakening that showed the deep scars which asylum seekers carry all throughout their journey... It reveals their realities, hopes, fears and hardships that asylum seekers face everyday," Dr Roberta Buhagiar, ANDES coordinator, said.

Fr Joseph Cassar, JRS director, said that the conditions asylum seekers were living in and the fears of removal under Dublin II, were contributing to mental problems for asylum seekers.

"The study shows that the allowance given to persons who do not benefit from refugee status, who have medical conditions or who have a disability, is not sufficient. A number of persons with medical vulnerability are being requested to purchase their own medicines and to pay for certain medical services," Dr Buhagiar said.

The documentary will be publicly screened throughout 2011 until World Refugee Day on 20 June.

Alfred Galea
TS, I have a feeling you dropped out of school at an early stage, like kindergarten. Are you sure this "documentary" is made by the clergy?? The JRS is just another organisation sucking up euros, no more no less. They should concentrate on the souls of the people, like shepherds tending their sheep, not stick their nose where it doesn't belong. It ain't gonna buy them heaven.....they shopuld lead by example and open up their properties to the poor instead of making money off them. TAX FREE.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@Joe South "I said illegal immigrants not illegal people" So, what are immigrants? Trees? @RJ If you notice well Louise favorite hate is not just towards Africans but the clergy. I am more than sure that since this documentary about Africans is made by members of the clergy, commenting on it must be the most enjoyable experience of her life.
@ Louise Vella - don't you have anything better to do in life than leaving obnoxious comments whenever a news item on immigrants or refugees is published? I mean, seriously: get a chill pill!
Benjamin Sant
And now we hear that the JFS - Jesuit Refugee Services are one of the beneficaries getting money from L-Istrina this year. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20101217/local/istrina-beneficiaries I believe our donations should first go to help the many Maltese people, and their famillies, who need medical treatment abroad.
Alfred Galea
TS...I said illegal immigrants not illegal people.....there IS a difference you know.....yeah, my best friend is an African...I heard that before. As for Cassar SJ and Somalia, it would be even better for his CV, not only will he be able to convert them to christianity but he'll make them respect everybody's human rights. Mikey, when does telling it like it is became "hatred"?? Louise Vella, and unfortunately I do not know the lady, states facts and backs up her arguments with facts, you on the other hand just parrots what bleeding hearts are always saying, that anybody who does not want illegal immigrants to live off the taxpayers and does not want his/her country become another Malmo or Birmingham, is a xenophobe/racist. It's old shit Mikey, if looking after one's country makes one a racist then I am one.
Albert Zammit
Louise Vella does not have a right to comment the way she does about the Jesuits, for instance. But her hatred for them has no limits. Absolutely none at all. She is so crazy about past experiences that she is unable to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. That is why it is amazing how she is still in education.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@Joe South I never said Louise Vella should not have a right to comment. She has, and I have as much right to comment on her comments and the despicable personality she projects. How many illegal immigrants at my house - zero. I am a law abiding person and keep nothing illegal in my house. Unless of course you are referring to African people. Illegal people do not exist. Yes I have African friends who come at my house for a coffee and vice versa. Your comment on Cassar SJ being welcome in Somalia, only confirms your ignorance on the country. The Somali government (if you can call it government) hates people who speak up for human rights, be they religious or not. He DEFINITELY WOULD NOT be welcome.
Alfred Galea
Truth seeker???? She has as much right as you to comment on here. How many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have you in your home?? How many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have you helped out lately by giving them your hard earned money so they can go and booze it up and prey on white women in Paceville?? The documentary is gonna be the usual "whitey is responsible for all our problems" crap that comes out of bleeding hearts. Cassar SJ should do what Jesus told his apostles...to go out like sheep among the wolves....I'm sure he'd be welcome in Somalia.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@Louise Vella How about watching the documentary and learn something? What a sick woman. Will the comments here have Part 1,2,3,4,5 like those on the ToM? Or do you leave the numbers out when you copy and paste?
Illegal immigrants have been a huge problem for Malta, one we did not ask for and did not deserve. On top of it we get JRS harassing the Maltese government, media and government with its constant studies, press releases and documentaries. These serve to feed foreign media and NGOs which try to give Malta a bad name. They are the ones who have been kicking Malta in the face while it was down. If JRS wants the reception suystem to improve, they should house illegal immigrants in their own premises, starting with mount St Joseph, the huge property they have outside Mosta, which they use for fee-paying retreats for Malta’s elite and other profit-making events. "The study shows that the allowance given … is not sufficient.” Are Maltese taxpayers expected to pay for ever higher allowances for illegal immigrants?
Michael Gauci
But from evidence before peoples eyes a different lifestyle is seen. Paceville is not short of migrants any night of the week. Some Migrants are better clothed and have better mobile phones than Maltese.Birzebbuga seafront is never without lager swilling migrants. This is another attempt to soften the hearts of the locals. Europe has too many migrants from the third world. Europeans have had enough and this will lead to major problems in the future. The JRS should help migrants I agree, help them return to their own countries.
JRS, stop pestering us about illegal immigrants because we are fed up with then and you. They should not have come here in the first place. We have our own poor and on the verge of poverty to look after. Just go do your missionary work in the illegal immigrants own countries and take the illegal immigrants back with you. As for more money just put your money where your big mouth is and pay them yourselves. As for reception we should have no reception facilities for illegal immigrants except facilities where they are kept locked up until they are repatriated.