‘Making Malta Great’ to focus on EU presidency
The ‘Making Malta Great’ campaign will be aimed at spreading awareness of the history of the EU and current EU affairs

This year’s edition of the informational campaign ‘Make Malta Great’ will focus on Malta’s presidency of the Council of the European Union and is aimed at spreading information about EU affairs.
The campaign seeks to educate citizens about the history of the European Union and the work it carries out, as well as giving a clear and simple explanation of Malta’s role during its upcoming six-month stint at the head of the EU presidency. It will be doing so providing information about the creating of the European Economic Community and the following developments, the funding Malta received to carry out various projects, and publishing a calendar of informal meetings with ministers and a cultural events programme.
“After the success of the last ‘Making Malta Great’ campaign, I believe whole-heartedly that this initiative will continue to spread awareness about the presidency. The informative messages that will be published soon is complimentary to the information campaign launched by the Maltese presidency of the EU Council these last few months,” parliamentary secretary for 2017 presidency Ian Borg said.
89.7 Bay managing director Kevin De Cesare said that the station was committed to playing an integral role during Malta’s presidency. “We wish to contribute to this historic event. We will be serving a means of communication, pushing our listeners closer to EU events,” he said.
The campaign is run by 89.7 Bay in collaboration with other entities, namely Times of Malta, General Soft Drinks, Water Services Corporation, Automated Revenue Management Services, Intercontinental Malta and the Eden Leisure Group.
More information about the campaign is available at http://www.makingmaltagreat.com/